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      • 15. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

        Guess this is just one of those religious wars that it is impossible to end... ;-)

        • 16. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

          Gavin King wrote on Nov 25, 2009 01:51:

          weird inner classes.

          I did notice this.  And I did not like it.  There seems to be very little (if any?) usage of inner classes in Seam or Weld...

          • 17. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

            Francisco Peredo wrote on Nov 25, 2009 02:02:

            I totally agree that using JPA is much more confortable for cases when you can use JPA, but the reality our here is that a lot of times you can not. I can understand that offering a solution for those cases is not one of your goals, but I do not think it is fair that you discount Spring-JDBC without offering a concrete example of something better.

            Well, an equivalent to Spring JDBC in EE6 is apparently not part of the agenda.  But that's ok, it's not a big deal if you can use it anyways or a similar JDBC frmwk.  Anyways, this discussion about JDBC has absolutely nothing to do with Weld at this point if there will not be a portable extension for JDBC...

            • 18. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

              Francisco Peredo wrote on Nov 25, 2009 02:13:

              Gavin King wrote on Nov 25, 2009 02:06:

              I didn't say use JPA I said use a JDBC framework that wraps it. Lots of people like iBATIS, but that might be too high-level for your taste. Their are other, less-abstract options.

              iBATIS is your idea of something better than Spring-JDBC? sigh

              Definitely not. I said lots of people. I did not say I. I just used it as an example of a less-than-ORM solution that does not require the use of funny inner classes to get resource management and exception handling.

              In an environment like Weld, with interceptors and injection of stateful objects, the use of inner classes for access to transactional resources is completely unnecessary (and intrusive).

              • 19. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                Gavin King wrote on Nov 25, 2009 06:21:

                In an environment like Weld, with interceptors and injection of stateful objects, the use of inner classes for access to transactional resources is completely unnecessary (and intrusive).

                Well, but since an environment like Weld has been available for years.... ;-)... Of course not :-P. That is why being the first to create something Weld-JDBC could be very exiting.. the thing is to come up with something that takes proper advantage of Weld features... and AFAIK since Weld has not existed for years, we need to come up with something new...

                So Arbi... any proposals on how to take advantage of Weld great features to create a revolutionary Weld-JDBC? It has to be something that makes low level JDBC programming more comfortable, but at the same time takes advantage of interceptors and injection of stateful objects...

                • 20. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                  A great JDBC fwk, IMO, would look approximately something like:

                  import org.seamframework.sql.Table;
                  import org.seamframework.sql.Column;
                   * Typesafe representation of the "users" table
                  public class users {
                     public static final Table<users> table = new Table<users>("users");
                     public static final Column<users,String> username = new Column<username,String>("username");
                     public static final Column<users,String> name = new Column<name,String>("name");
                     public static final Column<users,String> password = new Column<password,String>("password");

                  import static org.seamframework.sql.Expressions.*;
                  import org.seamframework.sql.Session;
                  import org.seamframework.sql.Query;
                  public class Login {
                     @Produces @Current User user;
                     @Inject Session session;
                     Query query;
                     Selection<String> nameSelection;
                     Parameter<String> usernameParam;
                     Parameter<String> passwordParam;
                     void init() {
                        query = session.createQuery();
                        From<users> fromUsers = query.from(users.table);
                        Selection<String> nameSelection = fromUsers.get(users.name)
                        usernameParam = query.parameter(String.class);
                        passwordParam = query.parameter(String.class);
                        query.where( and( equals( fromUsers.get(users.username), usernameParam ),
                                      equals( fromUsers.get(users.password), passwordParam ) ) );
                     public void login(String un, String pw) {
                        Tuple tuple = session.execute(query)
                                             .setParameter(usernameParam, un)
                                             .setParameter(passwordParam, pw)
                        String name = tuple.get(nameSelection);
                        user = new User(un, name, pw);

                  • 21. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                    Note that, of course, a simple tool that reads the database metadata could automate the generation of the table classes.

                    • 22. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                      Looks nice, a bit JPA 2 like syntax.

                      (PS. @Current is no longer supported) ;-)

                      • 23. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                        I have to admit it looks cool (it reminds me of JPA 2.0 typesafe CriteriaQuery )

                        • 24. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                          Ok, so let's analyze this code.

                          • org.seamframework.sql is seemingly a new package currently non-existent in the Seam 2.2 or Seam 3 (trunk) codebase.  That means we have some new types (Table, Column, Session, Query).

                          • consider the number of lines of code required to accomplish this in your version vs. JdbcTemplate, SimpleJdbcTemplate or iBATIS sql-map (I have not checked this yet so just pointing this out as a potential issue - brevity is a factor).

                          • performance vs. the other JDBC fwk solutions

                          • the code essentially initializes by loading params and setting the where clause, then executing the query and then using that result to create a new instance of User which is made available via @Produces @Current User user;.

                          • don't forget full CRUD is required, this example only illustrates a query/select.

                          • exception handling, this is one area where Spring does a good job: The Spring Framework's handling of SQLException is one of its most useful features in terms of enabling easier JDBC development and maintenance. The Spring Framework provides JDBC support that abstracts SQLException and provides a DAO-friendly, unchecked exception hierarchy.

                          • Automatic connection closing (and other boiler-plate code) is obviously a hard requirement to be handled by the fwk.

                          • Batch update support in the API (use case: 1000 simultaneous inserts executed in one tx to avoid hundreds of db round-trips)

                          The point is that this solution/fwk needs to be better in every possible way, only then will it become maximally attractive over the other existing JDBC solutions...

                          reference: http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/marx_spring.html

                          • 25. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                            A far reaching analysis of something that starts with

                            would look approximately something like

                            • 26. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                              consider the number of lines of code required to accomplish this in your version vs....

                              Probably a few more characters in my solution. On the other hand, this code is typesafe and 100% toolable. Which means that my IDE can write most of it for me, and tell me when I mistype things. So, after balancing the various factors, this solution is MUCH more productive.

                              performance vs. the other JDBC fwk solutions

                              And? Why should it be any different?

                              don't forget full CRUD is required, this example only illustrates a query/select

                              Fullselects are the difficult case. Updates/deletes are trivial. The code for an update/delete is much simpler, since I can use direct column references, I don't need to alias them through a From.

                              exception handling, this is one area where Spring does a good job: "The Spring Framework's handling of SQLException is one of its most useful features in terms of enabling easier JDBC development and maintenance. The Spring Framework provides JDBC support that abstracts SQLException and provides a DAO-friendly, unchecked exception hierarchy."

                              Utter nonsense and dishonest false advertising. Oracle has hundreds (thousands?) of error codes, and the Spring guys have not gone through them all and figured out which ones are constraint violations, which are connection problems, which are .... Instead they let you figure out all this yourself and write it in a text file. Which is, in practice, an impossible job. Which they know. Which is why they do not do it for you and provide you with the text file out-of-the-box.

                              Of course, our JDBC framework could include the following code:

                              catch (SQLException sqle) {
                                  throw Class.forName( lookupExceptionClassInUserWrittenTextFile( sqle.getErrorCode() ) ).newInstance();

                              And we would have reproduced what Spring offers in this area.

                              Automatic connection closing (and other boiler-plate code) is obviously a hard requirement to be handled by the fwk.

                              Pffffff. It's a trivial requirement which I can solve in my framework with two lines of code in a @Disposes method. Did you see any connection handling in the code above?

                              Batch update support in the API

                              Also basically trivial.

                              The point is that this solution/fwk needs to be better in every possible way

                              Nonsense. It only needs to be better overall. Which it quite obviously is.

                              I mean, seriously guys. The Spring stuff is trivial and not even very elegant. I guess it's easier for me to see that, since I spent half my career thinking about data access and designing data access APIs. But even so...

                              • 27. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                                Utter nonsense and dishonest false advertising. Oracle has hundreds (thousands?) of error codes, and the Spring guys have not gone through them all and figured out which ones are constraint violations, which are connection problems, which are .... Instead they let you figure out all this yourself and write it in a text file. Which is, in practice, an impossible job. Which they know. Which is why they do not do it for you and provide you with the text file out-of-the-box.

                                Oh, and by the way: the latest rev of JDBC actually has built-in support for exception subtypes. Which is a much better solution, since the JDBC implementer actually does have enough knowledge of the product to compile a robust set of error codes.

                                • 28. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                                  The proposal is theoretically nice but I must say that Arbi has a good point about its verbosity. Honestly I don't see myself explaining to my developers that they have to write all this to execute a simple SQL query. And without proper tooling, type-safety is limited because nothing can ensure that the database table or column names are correct in the metadata class.

                                  I guess I would be satisfied enough with something like this :

                                  public void login(String un, String pw) {
                                     Tuple tuple = session.execute("select name from user where username = :username and password = :password")
                                                          .setParameter("username", un)
                                                          .setParameter("password", pw)
                                     String name = tuple.get("name");
                                     user = new User(un, name, pw);

                                  • 29. Re: Selling Weld and EE6

                                    Perhaps both formats could be supported. We could then document a recovery plan for JdbcTemplate addicts

                                    1. Denial

                                    2. Non-typesafe version

                                    3. Typesafe version

                                    4. JPA and JTA