0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 25, 2009 11:25 AM by mszalay

    Problem disabling MenuGroup


      Hi all

      I have a popup menu which is activated as follows: in a datatable, there is a componentControl for each row. The parameter "eventIdPresent" is different for each row.

      <rich:componentControl event="onRowClick" for="contextMenu" operation="show">
       <core:param value="#{eventViewer.eventIdPresent}" name="eventIdPresent" />

      The menu is as follows:

      <rich:contextMenu attached="true" id="contextMenu"
       submitMode="server" event="onnever">
       <rich:menuGroup id="qualifyEventMenu" value="Qualify event">
       <rich:menuItem id="qualifyEventRelevant" ajaxSingle="true"

      Now I want to disable a menugroup using the parameter, but this is not working.

      <rich:menuGroup id="qualifyEventMenu" value="Qualify event" disabled="{eventIdPresent == false}">

      What is wrong?

      Thanks for any help.