0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 13, 2010 2:08 PM by wujek

    Questions on Instance<DependentBean>, dependent beans and disposer methods

      Hi. We have the following structure:

      public class SomeClass {

          @Inject private DaoFactory factory;

      public class DaoFactory {

          private Instance<EntityManager> entityManagers;

      public class TestEntityManagerProducer {

          private EntityManagerFactory factory;

          public EntityManager produceEntityManager() {
              return factory.createEntityManager();

          public void disposeEntityManager(@Disposes EntityManager em) {

      SomeClass is a client that used a application scoped DAOFactory to create DAO instances. The factory has an EntityManager injected that is produced by TestEntityManagerProducer.produceEntityManager() and the EntityManagers are dependent. There also exists a disposer method.

      1. I assume, and this is what I observe, that by using Instance<EntityManager> (EM being a dependent instance), whenever I call Instance<>.get() I get a fresh EM instance. Is this correct? Is this a valid use case for the build-in Instance<> bean?

      2. On which bean instance are the @Dependent EntityManager dependent on? On the bean that produced them or on the bean that has them injected?

      3. I noticed that the disposer method for EntityManagers is not called when the application shuts down. I found this issue: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/WELD-466. Is this the same one?
