1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 13, 2011 2:12 AM by infinity2heaven

    Conversation example with faces-config navigation doesn't work


      I have an example app extending seam-javaee-booking app (shipped with seam-3beta1)

      Here's my flow (page - action):

      1. members.xhtml (members listing) - select member (@Begin)

      2. program-registration.xhtml - selectProgram

      3. program-registration-select-program.xhtml - register

      4. program-registration-confirm.xhtml - confirm (@End)

      step 1 is fine, selectedMember gets set

      But in Step 2, when selectProgram is called from jsf actionMethod, the page doesn't navigate to next page as per faces-config file, instead it stays same with cid=1 on request param.

      Conversation Stateful Bean

      @Named( "programRegistration" )
      public class MemberProgramRegistration
           implements Serializable {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 985615785945128136L;
           private Logger log;
           @PersistenceContext( type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED )
           private EntityManager em;
           private Event< ProgramRegistration > programRegisteredEvent;
           private Member selectedMember;
           private Program selectedProgram;
           private ProgramRegistration registration;
           private boolean registrationValid;
            Conversation conversation;
           // @Begin # I've used this from Seam 3 instead of conversation.begin but still get the same error
           public void selectMember(
                final String _id ) {
                      Long id = Long.valueOf( _id );
                // get a fresh reference that's managed by the extended persistence context
                selectedMember = em.find( Member.class, id );
                if ( selectedMember != null ) {
                     log.info( "Member selected:" + selectedMember );
           public void selectProgram() {
                selectedProgram = loadDefaultProgram();
           public void register() {
                if ( selectedProgram != null ) {
                     log.info( "selectedProgram selected:" + selectedProgram );
                registration = new ProgramRegistration( selectedMember, selectedProgram, new Date(), 1 );
                      selectedMember = null;
           public void confirm() {
                em.persist( registration );          
           public ProgramRegistration getRegistration() {
                return registration;
           public Member getSelectedMember() {
                return registration.getMember() != null ? registration.getMember() : selectedMember;
           public Program getSelectedProgram() {
                return registration != null ? registration.getProgram() : selectedProgram;
           private Program loadDefaultProgram() {
                return em.find( Program.class, 1L );
           public List< Program > getPrograms() {
                return em.createNamedQuery( "Program.findAll", Program.class ).getResultList();


      <ui:define name="content">
                <h:messages />
                <h3> Regitration </h3>
                <h1> Member </h1>
                     <h:panelGroup layout="block">
                          <h:panelGrid columns="1">
                               <b>first name:</b>
                               <h:outputText value="#{selectedMember.firstName}" required="true" />
                               <b>last name:</b>
                               <h:outputText value="#{selectedMember.lastName}" required="true" />
                               <h:outputText value="#{selectedMember.lastName}" required="true" />
                               <h:outputText value="#{selectedMember.email}" required="true" />
                               <b>phone number:</b>
                               <h:outputText value="#{selectedMember.phone}" />
                               <h:outputText value="#{selectedMember.notes}" />
                     <h:commandButton action="#{programRegistration.selectProgram}"
                          value="Register a program" />
                     #{' '}
                     <h:commandButton id="cancel"
                          action="#{programRegistration.cancel}" value="Return to Search"
                          immediate="true" />


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- This file is not required if you don't need any extra configuration. -->
      <faces-config version="2.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
           <!-- Navigation rules -->
                     <redirect />
                     <redirect />
                     <redirect />
                     <redirect />
                     <redirect />
                     <redirect />

      Replacing Weld's Conversation interface with Seam's @Begin and @End along with ConversationBoundaryInterceptor results in no change. Removing the navigation elements from faces-config and simply returning the page identifiers in action methods gives another error:

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context is already active
           at org.jboss.weld.context.AbstractConversationContext.activate(AbstractConversationContext.java:301)
           at org.jboss.weld.jsf.WeldPhaseListener.activateConversations(WeldPhaseListener.java:110)

      I've spent 3 days trying to figure out but in vain. Seam 3's hotel booking example is BROKEN (conversation doesn't work either) and there's no end to end example anywhere. Any help, appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Conversation example with faces-config navigation doesn't work

          Update: I got this working without using faces-config naviagtion and returning viewIds from action methods, instead. Also, originally, memberId was passed via <f:link> from members.xhtml to program-registration page via

               <f:viewParam name="id" value="#{memberId}" />
               <s:viewAction action="#{programRegistration.selectMember(memberId)}" />

          This was causing issues and I'm using h:commandBitton instead.

          Will have to debug why navigation isn't working later ...