0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2011 11:54 AM by marekm

    Instance interface, @New qualifier


      I have a bean InjectionOnDemand (IOD) which injects beans/services programmatically through Instance interface. Target bean types/names are resolved during runtime.
      I would like to enforce two approaches in my IOD.

      First is to obtain an existing instance of bean without modifing its scope.
      I do it that way:
      In my IOD

      @Inject @Any
           private Instance<Object> anyObject;

      In IOD method


      Set<Bean<?>> set = beanManager.getBeans(key.toString());
                if (set.isEmpty()){
                     // TODO exception
                     Bean<?> bean = set.iterator().next();
                     Class<?> clazz = bean.getBeanClass();
                     try {
                          Object obj = anyObject.select(clazz).get();
                     } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                     } catch (SecurityException e) {
                          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

      And it works fine. I have a proxy to the object which has its normal scope 

      The second approach is to obtain always new instance of bean ignoring target bean scope. I assume that target bean will become Dependent with all dependencies injected into it. For the same type of bean as above I get Exception

           @Inject @New
           private Instance<Object> dataModelObject;

                Set<Bean<?>> set = beanManager.getBeans(key.toString());
                if (set.isEmpty()){
                     // exception
                          Bean<?> bean = set.iterator().next();
                          Class<?> clazz = bean.getBeanClass();
                          System.out.println("Class to inject: "+clazz);
                          try {
                               Object obj = dataModelObject.select(clazz).get();
                          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                          } catch (SecurityException e) {
                               // TODO Auto-generated catch block

      And I get UnsatisfiedResolutionException.

      INFO: Class to inject: class easywebflow.sample.User
      INFO: [interface javax.enterprise.inject.Model]
      INFO: [class java.lang.Object, class easywebflow.sample.User, interface java.io.Serializable]
      INFO: [@javax.enterprise.inject.Any(), @javax.enterprise.inject.Default()]
      INFO: interface javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped
      WARNING: #{newUser.start}: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException: WELD-000049 Unable to invoke [method] @PostConstruct public easywebflow.core.FlowImpl.initializeFlowContext() on easywebflow.core.FlowImpl@9a9807
      javax.faces.FacesException: #{newUser.start}: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException: WELD-000049 Unable to invoke [method] @PostConstruct public easywebflow.core.FlowImpl.initializeFlowContext() on easywebflow.core.FlowImpl@9a9807
           at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(ActionListenerImpl.java:118)
      Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: WELD-001308 Unable to resolve any beans for Types: [class easywebflow.sample.User]; Bindings: [@javax.enterprise.inject.New(value=easywebflow.sample.User.class)]
           at org.jboss.weld.manager.BeanManagerImpl.getBean(BeanManagerImpl.java:809)
           at org.jboss.weld.bean.builtin.InstanceImpl.get(InstanceImpl.java:108)
           at easywebflow.core.InjectionOnDemandMap.injectModel(InjectionOnDemandMap.java:91)
           at easywebflow.core.InjectionOnDemandMap.get(InjectionOnDemandMap.java:67)
           at easywebflow.core.InjectionOnDemandMap.injectDataModel(InjectionOnDemandMap.java:55)
           at easywebflow.core.FlowImpl.initializeFlowContext(FlowImpl.java:95)
           ... 58 more

      So annotating Instance with @New qualifier somehow results in UnsatisfiedResolutionException be thrown. 

      I also tried to add all qualifiers of the bean to the select method. Then i get simmilarly this:

      Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: WELD-001308 Unable to resolve any beans for Types: [class easywebflow.sample.User]; Bindings: [@javax.enterprise.inject.Default(), @javax.enterprise.inject.Any(), @javax.enterprise.inject.New(value=easywebflow.sample.User.class)]
           at org.jboss.weld.manager.BeanManagerImpl.getBean(BeanManagerImpl.java:809)
           at org.jboss.weld.bean.builtin.InstanceImpl.get(InstanceImpl.java:108)
           at easywebflow.core.InjectionOnDemandMap.injectModel(InjectionOnDemandMap.java:92)
           at easywebflow.core.InjectionOnDemandMap.get(InjectionOnDemandMap.java:67)
           at easywebflow.core.InjectionOnDemandMap.injectDataModel(InjectionOnDemandMap.java:55)
           at easywebflow.core.FlowImpl.initializeFlowContext(FlowImpl.java:95)
           ... 58 more

      Could anyone tell me what is wrong ? Maybe @New qualifier isn't what I espected him to be. How to leverege Instance interface to get always new object with dependent scope? To be clear, I cannot use new operator becouse injected services may have injected fields. I want to fully use CDI mechanism.

