2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2008 9:20 AM by msznapka.martin.sznapka.gmail.com

    Feature request: fragment attribute in pages.xml


      Hello, what about to have fragment identifier in pages.xml, I can imagine something like smart help page which gives you the right chapter according to page where you are:

      <page view-id="/*">
          <rule if-outcome="help">
              <redirect view-id="/help.xhtml"/>
      <page view-id="/applicationOne/*">
          <rule if-outcome="help">
              <redirect view-id="/help.xhtml" fragment="chapOne"/>
      <page view-id="/applicationTwo/*">
          <rule if-outcome="help">
              <redirect view-id="/help.xhtml" fragment="chapTwo"/>

      So the result link in the second application will be like:


      It will be much easier than dynamically generate s:link's fragment attribute for each xhtml page.