1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2008 8:54 PM by pmaedel Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Transaction is not active with @Create annotation

        Can somebody educate me with the Marked abort only behavior on a transaction ? Is this usually happening when a root exception further down the stack is the cause of a rollback ?

        Due to a rather unusual requirement I cannot use REQUIRES NEW as a workaround because all db operations must occur using the same db connection/transaction. We achieve this with seam managed transactions combined with datasource/JCALoginModule CallerIdentity solution.

        Is this a user error or a framework bug ? (Seam or JBoss tx management) ? Nothing from the stacktrace tells me that it is a user error.

        Any help is appreciated,
        Still haven't found a solution to prevent the exception from happening.

        • 16. Re: Transaction is not active with @Create annotation

          Guillaume Jeudy wrote on Mar 27, 2008 06:21 PM:

          I have verified and my @Create and @Factory annotated methods are invoked during the render response phase so they should be working inside a transaction correct ?

          They are, inside an aborted transaction

          If Seam starts the transaction then it is no longer container managed ?

          No, Seam asks the container to begin and end a transaction - still container managed. This is no different to you starting/ending a CMT.

          Would it be why the default TransactionalAttribute.REQUIRED does not kick in and create a transaction for me ?

          REQUIRED doesn't create a transaction if one is already in progress which can be joined (whatever its state).

          Then how to explain that TransactionalAttribute.REQUIRES NEW fixes the problem ?

          Because it forces the container to start a new transaction (which isn't aborted).

          I don't want to disable seam transaction management because as you know, developing using the seam programming model requires many calls to SFSBs from the view layer and I don't want a new transaction created for every call.

          You shouldn't ;-)

          Can somebody educate me with the Marked abort only behavior on a transaction ? Is this usually happening when a root exception further down the stack is the cause of a rollback ?

          The cause won't be in that stack trace, but rather another problem earlier in the JSF lifecycle which caused the abort.

          Is this a user error or a framework bug ? (Seam or JBoss tx management) ? Nothing from the stacktrace tells me that it is a user error.

          User error, identify and remove the earlier problem and it will all start working.

          • 17. Re: Transaction is not active with @Create annotation

            Sorry, I haven't read Pete's answer when I posted my previous post.

            This is all very clear to me now. Unfortunately or fortunately the exception is no longer occurring so I cannot troubleshoot further. I recall having browsed the logs quite extensively and don't recall seeing any stacktraces or suspicious log messages before the Transaction is not active exception.

            I will post an update if I do find the answer to this mystery.

            Thank you,

            • 18. Re: Transaction is not active with @Create annotation

              I usually set breakpoint on RemoveInterceptor.removeIfNecessary(Method, Exception) and check exception when it occurs.
              I'm not sure it helps in the situation like described. It depends on the source of exception.

              • 19. Re: Transaction is not active with @Create annotation

                I found the root cause which was an exception occurring during execution of the @Factory method, it took me a while but I managed to trap the root exception in debug mode in Ejb3TxPolicy.handleInCallerTx() method. For some reason, after this method wrapped the exception in a EJBTransactionRolledbackException and rethrown it, I no longer have access to the root cause in debug mode or in the server logs.

                Confirmed this is a user error and not a framework or JBoss AS bug, though it would help if the full stack was printed out in the logs.

                • 20. Re: Transaction is not active with @Create annotation
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