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1. Re: Mavenizing/Projectizing org.jboss.embedded
alesj Dec 18, 2007 6:16 PM (in response to bdecoste)"bdecoste" wrote:
I've hit the first (of probably several) dependencies mavenizing ejb3 for projects/ejb3. We depend on org.jboss.embedded, which is now in jbossas.
So, I've got to rip it out of jbossas and create a jboss-embedded project.
If there are problems with this, please speak up. I'll post to the AS forum as well. If there are problems, I'm going to be forced to make the metadata changes in Trunk.
How can you depend on Embedded?
Isn't the sole purpose of Embedded to use whole app. server (including you == ejb3), but just in a smaller scale?
Hence having circular dependency.
Sounds like you're doing some weird stuff ... -
2. Re: Mavenizing/Projectizing org.jboss.embedded
bdecoste Dec 18, 2007 6:18 PM (in response to bdecoste)We've got references to org.jboss.embedded.junit.EmbeddedTestCase. The other option is to remove these dependencies ...
3. Re: Mavenizing/Projectizing org.jboss.embedded
bdecoste Dec 18, 2007 11:18 PM (in response to bdecoste)I've got ParitionName overrides working in projects/ejb with Ejb3DescriptorHandler removed. The new metadata component works perfectly for this piece of data with just setting the MetaData object in the Advisor, as I had hoped.