1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 13, 2008 5:11 PM by t1mb0

    Can't set properties of Seam component


      This seems very strange .. In the authenticate method I create a Seam java bean component of session scope (only if authentication is sucessful).  However, the attributes of loggedInUser are still null after I have just set them!  Watching this in the debugger is quite unsettling.  dbUserAccount.getAccountId() does have a value as do the other values used to populate loggedInUser.

      It seems like I'm doing basic stuff but I can't understand this behaviour.  If you have any ideas please let me know.

      I'm using Seam 2.0.1, jdk 1.5.15 on Jboss 4.2.2

      here is my authenticate class:-

      public class AuthenticatorImpl implements Authenticator, Serializable
          /** serialVersionUID */
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          Log log;
          Identity identity;
          @In(create = true)
          AccountDao accountDao;
          @Out(required = false)
          LoggedInUser loggedInUser;
          public boolean authenticate()
              log.info("authenticating #0", identity.getUsername());
              boolean success = false;
              UserAccount dbUserAccount = accountDao.getUserAccount(identity.getUsername(), identity.getPassword());
              if (dbUserAccount != null)
                  success = true;
                  Set<UserRole> roles = dbUserAccount.getUserRoles();
                  for (UserRole role : roles)
                      if (role != null)
                          log.debug("Adding role {0}", role.getRoleName());
                  loggedInUser = (LoggedInUser) Component.getInstance(LoggedInUser.class);
                  log.info("Authentication successful");
                  // Clearing the identity object fields on authentication failure
                  // seems to prevent constant silent authentication attempts
              return success;

      and the loggedInUser component:-

      @Scope(value = ScopeType.SESSION)
      public class LoggedInUser
          private Integer accountId;
          private Integer profileId;
          private String userName;
          public LoggedInUser() {
          public Integer getAccountId()
              return accountId;
          public void setAccountId(Integer accountId)
              this.accountId = accountId;

        • 1. Re: Can't set properties of Seam component

          Upon further investigation I can see that the properties do exist within a handler attribute.  I guess this a feature of java assist, or maybe proxies in general, however it's not very intuitive when looking in the debugger.
