0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 29, 2008 3:28 PM by mcarrizo

    Facelets and DataModelSelection


      I'm trying to make a dataTable custom tag with facelets.

      This is the code of my original dataTable:

      <table jsfc="h:dataTable" value="#{users}" var="user" rendered="#{users.rowCount>0}">
           <td jsfc="h:column">
                <th jsfc="f:facet" name="header">
                     <span jsfc="h:outputText" value="Action"/>
                <a jsfc="s:link" value="View User" action="#{usersList.selectListElement}"  />

      This is my new code:

      <t:dataTable elements="#{users}">
           <td jsfc="h:column">
                <th jsfc="f:facet" name="header">
                     <span jsfc="h:outputText" value="Action"/>
                <s:link value="View User" action="#{usersList.selectListElement}"  />

      This is t:dataTable code:

           <table jsfc="h:dataTable" value="#{elements}" var="var" rendered="#{elements.rowCount>0}">
                <span jsfc="ui:insert" />

      The first dataTable renders, on action, the following link:


      And the second:


      As you can see, facelets template 'eats' the current user link. Any ideas ? Thank you !!