4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 9, 2009 4:45 PM by luxspes

    s:link and ui:repeat, a4j:repeat or c:forEach


      Hi all,

      I have a 'navigation-tree' on my page which is genrerated by a xml file. In the xml I want to provide the posibility to specify url parameters.

      So in my xhtml i have code like this:

             <s:link value="#{item.label}" view="#{item.viewID}">
                         <c:forEach items="#{item.parameterList}" var="param">
                             <f:param name="#{param.name}" value="#{param.value}" />

      The s:link with c:forEach is working outside a rich:tree. I have tried ui(a4j):repeat. Can anybody provide me with a hint wat I can do, or what I have missed in the richfaces or seam documentation? Or any hints how I can manage this problem?

      By the way the same happens with h:outputLink or h:commandLink


        • 1. Re: s:link and ui:repeat, a4j:repeat or c:forEach

          IMHO neither loop tag can work here:
          foreach is evaluated while building the component tree, so it can't access the item variable at that time.
          ui:repeat iterates over a single component, but that won't have any effect, because the f:param is evaluated by the parent component, which will see only a single f:param.

          Maybe something like this will work:

          <s:link value="#{item.label}" action="#{someHelperBean.gotoTreeNode(item)}/>

          where the gotoTreeNode can programmatically setup required parameters in page or conversation context and return an outcome depending on item.viewID.

          Or maybe use both view and action attributes on the s:link and let the action simply transfer the parameters.


          What really is missing is a JSF tag like

          <f:params list="#{paramList}" var="param" name="#{param.name}" value="#{param.value}"/>

          Too bad you can't even write such a tag yourself, because the components that are decorated by f:param all contain code like child instanceof UiParameter.
          So much for good object oriented design.

          Maybe anybody else has a solution?

          • 2. Re: s:link and ui:repeat, a4j:repeat or c:forEach

            There's a little workaround we found for this, so i'd like to share.

            We (or rather Adam Warski ;-) ) have specified in our taglib two functions

                    <function-signature>java.lang.String makeParamsName(java.util.SortedMap)</function-signature>
                    <function-signature>java.lang.String makeParamsValue(java.util.SortedMap)</function-signature>

            the source class is

            package com.vocado.frontend.jsf;
            import java.util.Map;
            import java.util.SortedMap;
            import java.net.URLEncoder;
            import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
             * Functions to create a link/button with variable (dynamic) parameters.
             * Usage is quite simple - you just need a SortedMap of your parameters.
             * Then, in the .xhtml, you need to have:
             * {@code <f:param name="{v:makeParamsName(parameterMap)}" value="{v:makeParamsValue(parameterMap)}" />} 
             * @author Adam Warski (adam at warski dot org)
            public class Parameters {
                  * Constructs a name for the pseudo-parameter tag, with which you can have dynamic parmeters.
                  * Creates a string:
                  * key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3&...&keyN
                  * where all values are url-encoded with UTF-8.
                  * The value of the last key will be appended by the value of the parameter.
                  * @param map Map, from which to construct the name of the pseudo-parmaeter.
                  * @return Name of the pseudo-parameter tag.
                 public static String makeParamsName(SortedMap<Object, Object> map) {
                      StringBuilder nameSB = new StringBuilder();
                      if (map.size() == 0) {
                           return null;
                      Object lastKey = map.lastKey();
                      for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                           Object key = entry.getKey();
                           if (!lastKey.equals(key)) {
                      return nameSB.toString();
                  * @param map Map, from which to construct the value of the pseudo-parameter.
                  * @return Value of the pseudo-parameter tag: the last value of the map.
                 public static String makeParamsValue(SortedMap<Object, Object> map) {
                      if (map.size() == 0) {
                           return null;
                      return String.valueOf(map.get(map.lastKey()));
                 private static String encode(String toEncode) {
                      try {
                           return URLEncoder.encode(toEncode, "UTF-8");
                      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                           return toEncode;

            So now, whenever we need to pass multiple parameters without using any iteration inside JSF you have to provide a sorted map with parameters (here just called parameters) and invoke by

             <s:link ...> 
               <f:param name="#{v:makeParamsName(parameters)}" value="#{v:makeParamsValue(parameters)}" />

            Hope it helps,


            • 3. Re: s:link and ui:repeat, a4j:repeat or c:forEach

              Daniel Zwicker wrote on May 26, 2008 12:02:

              Hi all,

              I have a 'navigation-tree' on my page which is genrerated by a xml file. In the xml I want to provide the posibility to specify url parameters.

              So in my xhtml i have code like this:

              The s:link with c:forEach is working outside a rich:tree. I have tried ui(a4j):repeat. Can anybody provide me with a hint wat I can do, or what I have missed in the richfaces or seam documentation? Or any hints how I can manage this problem?

              By the way the same happens with h:outputLink or h:commandLink


              That is the wrong approach for rich:tree (but it is the right approach for other richfaces controls) for the rich:tree the right approach is to use a rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor inside the rich:tree. See an example in this page.

              Please vote for RF-4128 to make all this more consistent (it asks for the same programming model for all tree/recursive controls).

              And remember, this kind of question is for the Richfaces Forum

              • 4. Re: s:link and ui:repeat, a4j:repeat or c:forEach

                Mmmm, nevermind, I think I understood your post incorrectly, what you want is a dynamic parameter list for s:link