3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 10, 2008 3:15 PM by nickarls

    Seam security s:hasRole in UI



      I use Seam 2.0.1GA and I found out an incorrect tip in the Seam security chapter: UI security.

      I tried using:

      <h:commandButton value="Create Rel Pkg" rendered="#{s.hasRole('USER')}"
                               action="#{packageAdminAction.startCreateReleasePackage}" />

      but it always evaluated to false. So I changed it to:

      <<h:commandButton value="Create Rel Pkg" rendered="#{identity.hasRole('USER')}"
                               action="#{packageAdminAction.startCreateReleasePackage}" />

      and now it works.

      Can someone please confirm this is a bug? The s.hasRole expression is properly processed in @Restrict annotation on component security.

      I suggest that the UI usage be made consistent with component security @Restrict usage.


        • 1. Re: Seam security s:hasRole in UI



          Your code:


          Does that answer your question?

          • 2. Re: Seam security s:hasRole in UI

            D'oh, thanks for seeing the obvious. works great with s:hasRole

            Now comes the next question, I didn't know you could use semi-colon notation in an EL expression, can somebody tell me what makes it different from the regular dot (.) notation ?

            It's often good to know why things are such a way in order to remember it.


            • 3. Re: Seam security s:hasRole in UI

              I don't think a colon has any special meaning in normal EL but Seam has an own EL-resolver so they are free to use whatever they like. It is probably needed anyway in order to separate it from a normal EL-resolve involving an variable named s.