0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 10, 2008 9:32 AM by ericjava.eric.chiralsoftware.net

    QL: select objects where collections overlap


      Ok, here's the Tricky QL Question of the Day.  This can be either EJB3 or Hibernate QL, because of course Hibernate is the delegate in my case.

      I have a table of Tag entities.  Then I have a table of Blog entities.  Each Blog has a set of Tags:

      @Entity public class Blog {
        private Collection<Tag> tags;
        @OneToMany public Collection<Tag> getTags() { return tags; }
      // etc

      If I want to get all the Blog entities which have a certain tag, that's easy:

      select blog from Blog blog where :t member of blog.tags

      But what if I want to find all the Blog entities which have a tag which is a member of a set?  In other words, someone is using a search tool and selects search within blog entities which have tags... and he has checkboxes where he can select several tags?

      Is there a way to say, union of these two sets is not empty?
