0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 23, 2008 9:22 AM by ali1983

    Problem with the blend of Event and Session scope


      I want to do binding of UIDatascroller with my UI. For this I have made two action classes of scope Event and Session. The Problem I am facing is that whenever I try to get value from Event Scope class in Session scope class I always get a null value although the variable in not null in Event scoped class.

      Below is my Class with Event Scope

      package com.pcounts.server.action.sp;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Set;
      import java.util.Vector;
      import javax.faces.component.UIData;
      import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Factory;
      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Out;
      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;
      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.datamodel.DataModel;
      import org.richfaces.component.UIDataTable;
      import org.richfaces.component.UIDatascroller;
      import com.pcounts.server.action.auth.PCUserSession;
      import com.pcounts.server.hibernate.pojo.Printerscans;
      import com.pcounts.server.hibernate.service.GroupService;
      import com.pcounts.server.hibernate.service.PrinterScansService;
      import com.pcounts.server.hibernate.service.UserService;
      public class FactoryClass {
           @In(create = true) PrinterScansService printerScansService;
           @In(create = true) GroupService groupService;
           @In(create = true) PCUserSession pcUserSession;
           @In(create = true) UserService userService;
           @In(create = true) SalesPersonDashboardBean SalesPersonDashboard; 
           private List<Printerscans> lstPrinterscans;
           UIDataTable dashboardDataTable;
           UIDatascroller dashboardDataScroller;
           public void listPrinterscans() {
                System.out.println("----- OrderField ----- "+ SalesPersonDashboard.orderField);
                List listSubSetRecords;
                List lstGroups;
                Set setSPsOfGroups;
                int pageFirstIndex;
                Long count;
                lstGroups = groupService.getGroupsForSP(pcUserSession.getUserNumber());
                setSPsOfGroups = userService.getSPsFromSalesGroups(lstGroups);
                count = printerScansService.getPrinterscanRowCount(userService
                Vector vector = new Vector();
                pageFirstIndex = (this.getDashboardDataScroller().getPage() * getDashboardDataScroller()
                          - this.getDashboardDataScroller().getDataTable().getRows();
                listSubSetRecords = printerScansService.getPrinterscansOfSPs(
                          userService.getCSVUserNumber(setSPsOfGroups), SalesPersonDashboard.orderField,
                          SalesPersonDashboard.ascendingOrder, pageFirstIndex);
                for (int index = 0; index < listSubSetRecords.size(); index++) {
                     vector.set(pageFirstIndex + index, listSubSetRecords.get(index));
                lstPrinterscans = vector;
           public void nullList(){
                this.lstPrinterscans = null;
           public UIDatascroller getDashboardDataScroller() {
                return dashboardDataScroller;
           public void setDashboardDataScroller(UIDatascroller dashboardDataScroller) {
                this.dashboardDataScroller = dashboardDataScroller;

      And this is the class with Session Scope.

      public class SalesPersonDashboardBean {
           @In(required = false)
           FactoryClass factoryClass;
           public boolean ascendingOrder;
           public String orderField;
           public void sortAction(String field) {
                System.out.println("-----Field----- " + field);
      //          System.out.println("-----Ascending Order----- " + ascendingOrder);
                this.ascendingOrder = !this.ascendingOrder;
                this.orderField = field;
      //          System.out.println("-----order Field----- " + orderField);
      //          factoryClass.dashboardDataScroller.setPage(1);
      //          System.out.println("DataScroller Page: " + factoryClass.dashboardDataScroller.getPage());

      And the output which I get in Console is

      13:10:42,015 INFO  [STDOUT] ----- OrderField ----- null
      13:11:02,796 INFO  [STDOUT] -----Field----- locations.locationName
      13:11:02,812 INFO  [STDOUT] ----- OrderField ----- null

      I want to get non-null value of the SalesPersonDashboard.orderField and SalesPersonDashboard.ascendingOrder in pcFactory class

      Please sort out this problem as soon as possible.
      I'll be thankful to you.