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1. Re: Moved successfully from JBoss Embedded to OpenEJB Embedd
alexg79 Oct 4, 2008 2:02 AM (in response to johanmicoud)What do JBoss/Glassfish offer that Tomcat+OpenEJB don't?
2. Re: Moved successfully from JBoss Embedded to OpenEJB Embedd
rickcr Oct 20, 2008 10:49 AM (in response to johanmicoud)What do JBoss/Glassfish offer that Tomcat+OpenEJB don't?
I'd be curious to know the same as well. Currently I'm working on an EJB3 app with JBoss5, but I'm thinking a lighter weight Tomcat/OpenEJB solution might be pretty cool to use instead.
Is it super easy to get up and running with OpenEJB and Tomcat?