4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 30, 2008 3:39 PM by digdas.seam.digdas.nl

    Conversation does not end when doing back, wrong entity edited


      When I create a new seam entity with jboss tools, a list and an edit page will be created, together with the necessary java code.

      In the plain example, if I go to the list page, click on entry 1, click back or on the list-link at the top of the page, click on entry 2, the edit page of entry 1 is shown.

      If I am correct this is because the conversation of the first edit did not end.

      What I did to solve this problem is - change in the home object:

      public class MdaIcnMonthsHome extends EntityHome<MdaIcnMonths>
          Long mdaIcnMonthsId;
           public void setMdaIcnMonthsId(Long mdaIcnMonthsId) {
               if (mdaIcnMonthsId != null)
                    if (this.getConversation().isLongRunning())
                         if (this.instance != null)
                              if (this.instance.getKey() != null)
                                   if (this.instance.getKey().compareTo(mdaIcnMonthsId) != 0 )
                this.mdaIcnMonthsId = mdaIcnMonthsId;

      Is this the correct way to do this?

        • 1. Re: Conversation does not end when doing back, wrong entity edited

          Update, the previous example did not work completely correct, it sometimes (first time) came up with the old answer.

          I changed the thing to do to user find to reset the instance.
               public void setMdaIcnMonthsId(Long mdaIcnMonthsId) {
                   if (mdaIcnMonthsId != null)
                        if (this.getConversation().isLongRunning())
                             if (this.instance != null)
                                  if (this.instance.getKey() != null)
                                       if (this.instance.getKey().compareTo(mdaIcnMonthsId) != 0 )
                                            this.instance = getEntityManager().find(MdaIcnMonths.class, mdaIcnMonthsId);
                    this.mdaIcnMonthsId = mdaIcnMonthsId;

          Is this a correct thing to do?

          • 2. Re: Conversation does not end when doing back, wrong entity edited

            Where do you start and stop your conversations in this example ? What is the JSF code for the links you click? Do you propagate the conversation context?

            • 3. Re: Conversation does not end when doing back, wrong entity edited

              The code is created with Seam-Create new entity.

              List to select the object:

                  <h:form id="mdaIcnMonthsForm">
                          <f:facet name="header">mdaIcnMonths for month #{mdaIcnMonthsHome.instance.stmPerPeriodsR.month}</f:facet>
                          <s:decorate id="nameDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml" for="name">
                              <ui:define name="label">DollarExchangeRate</ui:define>
                              <h:inputText id="name" required="true"
                                           value="#{mdaIcnMonthsHome.instance.dollarExchangeRate}" rendered="#{s:hasRole('MDA_DOLLAR_USER')}"/>
                              <h:outputText value="#{mdaIcnMonthsHome.instance.dollarExchangeRate}" rendered="#{!s:hasRole('MDA_DOLLAR_USER')}"/>
                          <div style="clear:both"/>
                      <div class="actionButtons">
                          <h:commandButton id="update" 
                                     rendered="#{mdaIcnMonthsHome.managed and s:hasRole('MDA_DOLLAR_USER')}"/>                  
                          <s:button propagation="end" 

              The home object is also standard

              public class MdaIcnMonthsHome extends EntityHome<MdaIcnMonths>
                  Long mdaIcnMonthsId;
                  public Object getId() 
                      if (mdaIcnMonthsId==null)
                          return super.getId();
                          return mdaIcnMonthsId;
                  @Override @Begin
                  public void create() {
                   public String persist() {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                        return super.persist();

              • 4. Re: Conversation does not end when doing back, wrong entity edited

                Sorry, missed the list page:

                           <h:dataTable id="mdaIcnMonthsList" var="mdaIcnMonths"
                                   rendered="#{not empty mdaIcnMonthsList.resultList}">
                                    <f:facet name="header">Month</f:facet>
                                    <s:link id="name" 
                                         value="#{mdaIcnMonths.stmPerPeriodsR.month} " 
                                         view="/mdaIcnMonths.xhtml" >
                                        <f:param name="mdaIcnMonthsId"  