1 2 Previous Next 23 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2009 8:34 PM by gimpy21 Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

        i just upgraded to richfaces 3.3.2 to fix an IE8 bug.  once IE8 started working i started retesting and had the same error occur on IE8.

        ive deleted the page and recreated it from scratch.  ive stripped the page down to this

        <!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
             xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
             xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich" xmlns:a="http://richfaces.org/a4j"
             <ui:define name="body" bgcolor="lightblue">
                  <h:messages />
                  <ui:include src="/layout/control_buttons.xhtml"/> 

        and still got the illegal navigation error.  then i got the idea to start rearranging the pages in the pageflow file.  once i did that i got it to error on a completely different page.  now my system has two pageflows in it.  one for our app and a second one so third party companies can use some of our functionality.  it gives the same illegal navigation on both pageflows at the same place but both pageflows are very different.

        • 16. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

          willie slepecki wrote on Sep 28, 2009 18:19:

          it gives the same illegal navigation on both pageflows at the same place but both pageflows are very different.

          When you say the same place, do you mean the same page (test.xhtml) or both pageflow definitions fail at the same (say) fifth <page/> (even though the two <page/> are different)?

          • 17. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

            it seems the position in the pageflow itself.  when i reversed it with another page i got the error on the new page.

            here is the pageflow snip

                 <page name="citi_pri_appOne" view-id="/eca/citi/PrimaryAppTwo.xhtml">
                      <transition name="previous" to="joint_ind"/>
                      <transition name="continue" to="citi_pri_appTwo"/>
                      <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                 <page name="citi_pri_appTwo" view-id="/eca/citi/PrimaryApp.xhtml">
                      <transition name="previous" to="citi_pri_appTwo"/>
                      <transition name="continue" to="citi_joint_ind_dec"/>
                      <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                 <decision name="citi_joint_ind_dec" expression="#{menuBackingEJB.getJointInd}">
                      <transition name="true" to="citi_co_appOne"/>
                      <transition name="false" to="citi_revolv"/>

            • 18. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

              1. Post /layout/controlbuttons.xhtml
              2. Is /layout/control
              buttons.xhtml used within both of the pages that you reversed in the pageflow?
              3. Does the same thing occur when using Chrome?

              • 19. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"
                <rich:panel xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
                    xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich" xmlns:a="http://richfaces.org/a4j" style="background-color: transparent;border: none;"> 
                          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="1000" class="keyboardTable">
                          <td align="center" width="1000">
                          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="1024" class="buttonPositioner" align="center">
                               <tr><td width="5%"></td><td align="left" width="90%">
                                    <h:commandButton id="cancel" action="#{menuBackingEJB.cancelApp()}" value="" styleClass="buttonCommon kb_but_cancel_up" 
                               </td><td align="right">
                               <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                                    <h:commandButton id="back" action="previous" value="" styleClass="buttonCommon kb_but_back_up" 
                                    <h:commandButton id="next" action="continue" value="" styleClass="buttonCommon kb_but_next_up"
                                         onclick="setButtonFlag('next')" />
                          </td><td width="5%"></td></tr></table>

                chrome still works just fine.  its firefox and IE that do this.  i tried building a brand new project and duplicating with the pageflow file and everything and it doesn't do it.  but i can't possibly replicate the complexity of the main app.

                • 20. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

                  what in JSF causes the APPLY REQUEST VALUES to fire?  reason i ask is when you look at the log files it fires restore view state, then apply request values.  i tried turning on trace level logging for ajax4jsf and faces and nothing more was added to the log.  but it always looks pretty much identical to the log above when it happens.  i found this bug in jsf2 (http://jira.springframework.org/browse/SWF-1175), but im using 1.2 thats built into jboss 5.1.  i tried updating the jars to the very latest 1.2 13 jars and the only difference it made was it happens a little less often.

                  • 21. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"
                    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <pageflow-definition name="menuPageFlow">
                         <start-page name="mainmenu" view-id="/mainmenu.xhtml">
                              <transition name="promoDisplay" to="promoDisplay">
                                   <action expression="#{menuBackingEJB.convertEcaReg()}"/>
                                   <action expression="#{menuBackingEJB.getConfiguredCoupons()}"/>
                              <transition name="scanBarCode" to="scanBarCode">
                                   <action expression="#{menuBackingEJB.convertEcaReg()}"/>
                              <transition name="startEca" to="startEca">
                                   <action expression="#{menuBackingEJB.convertRegEca()}"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="promoDisplay" view-id="/reg/promoDisplay.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="next" to="phoneSearchPromo"/>
                         <page name="scanBarCode" view-id="/reg/scanBarCode.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="next" to="phoneSearchBar"/>
                         <page name="phoneSearchPromo" view-id="/reg/phoneSearch.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="back" to="promoDisplay"/>
                              <transition name="next" to="custReg"/>
                         <page name="phoneSearchBar" view-id="/reg/phoneSearch.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="back" to="scanBarCode"/>
                              <transition name="next" to="custReg"/>
                         <page name="custReg" view-id="/reg/custReg.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="back" to="phoneSearchPromo"/>
                              <transition name="next" to="regConf"/>
                         <page name="regError" view-id="/reg/regError.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="regConf" view-id="/reg/regConf.xhtml">
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                              <transition name="startEca" to="startEca">
                                   <action expression="#{menuBackingEJB.convertRegEca()}"/>
                              <transition name="next" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <!-- ****************************************************
                         the common pages for the eca system
                         <decision name="startEca" expression="#{menuBackingEJB.runActiveBank()}">
                              <transition name="foo" to="joint_ind"/>
                              <transition name="bar" to="bar_patriot"/>
                              <transition name="real" to="joint_ind"/>
                              <transition name="good" to="joint_ind"/>
                         <page name="joint_ind" view-id="/eca/One-JointApp.xhtml">
                              <transition name="tran_foo_pri_appOne" to="foo_pri_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="trans_home" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <!-- ****************************************************
                         the pages and transitions for the foo interface
                         ********************************************************* -->
                         <page name="foo_pri_appOne" view-id="/eca/foo/PrimaryApp.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="joint_ind"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="foo_joint_ind_dec"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <!-- <page name="foo_pri_appTwo" view-id="/eca/foo/PrimaryAppTwo.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="foo_pri_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="foo_joint_ind_dec"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                    <decision name="foo_joint_ind_dec">
                              <transition to="foo_co_app1">
                                   <condition expression="#{menuBackingEJB.jointApp==true}" />
                              <transition to="foo_agreement">
                                   <condition expression="#{menuBackingEJB.jointApp==false}" />
                         </decision> -->
                         <decision name="foo_joint_ind_dec" expression="#{menuBackingEJB.getJointInd}">
                              <transition name="true" to="foo_co_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="false" to="foo_agreement"/>
                         <page name="foo_co_appOne" view-id="/eca/foo/CoApp.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="foo_pri_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="foo_agreement"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <!--<page name="foo_co_appTwo" view-id="/eca/foo/CoAppTwo.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="foo_co_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="foo_agreement"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="foo_agreement" view-id="/eca/foo/Agreement.xhtml">
                              <transition name="approved" to="foo_Approved"/>
                              <transition name="declined" to="foo_Denied"/>
                              <transition name="pending" to="foo_Pending"/>
                              <transition name="error" to="foo_Error"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="foo_Approved" view-id="/eca/foo/eca_approval_ticket.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="foo_Denied" view-id="/eca/foo/eca_denied_ticket.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="foo_Pending" view-id="/eca/foo/eca_pending_ticket.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="foo_Error" view-id="/eca/foo/eca_error.xhtml">
                              <transition name="menu" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <!-- ********************************************************
                         the pages and transitions for the bar interface
                         <page name="bar_patriot" view-id="/eca/bar/patriot.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="bar_joint_ind"/>
                         <page name="bar_joint_ind" view-id="/eca/bar/One-JointApp.xhtml">
                              <transition name="tran_bar_pri_appOne" to="bar_pri_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="trans_home" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="bar_pri_appOne" view-id="/eca/bar/PrimaryApp.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="joint_ind"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="bar_joint_ind_dec"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <!-- <page name="bar_pri_appTwo" view-id="/eca/bar/PrimaryAppTwo.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="bar_pri_appTwo"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="bar_joint_ind_dec"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <decision name="bar_joint_ind_dec">
                              <transition to="bar_co_app1">
                                   <condition expression="#{menuBackingEJB.jointApp==true}" />
                              <transition to="bar_revolv">
                                   <condition expression="#{menuBackingEJB.jointApp==false}" />
                         </decision> -->
                         <decision name="bar_joint_ind_dec" expression="#{menuBackingEJB.getJointInd}">
                              <transition name="true" to="bar_co_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="false" to="bar_revolv"/>
                         <page name="bar_co_appOne" view-id="/eca/bar/CoApp.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="bar_pri_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="bar_revolv"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <!--<page name="bar_co_appTwo" view-id="/eca/bar/CoAppTwo.xhtml">
                              <transition name="previous" to="bar_co_appOne"/>
                              <transition name="continue" to="bar_revolv"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="bar_revolv" view-id="/eca/bar/revolve.xhtml">
                              <transition name="continue" to="bar_agreement"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="bar_agreement" view-id="/eca/bar/Agreement.xhtml">
                              <transition name="approved" to="bar_Approved"/>
                              <transition name="declined" to="bar_Denied"/>
                              <transition name="pending" to="bar_Pending"/>
                              <transition name="error" to="bar_Error"/>
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                         <page name="bar_Approved" view-id="/eca/bar/eca_approval_ticket.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="bar_Denied" view-id="/eca/bar/eca_denied_ticket.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="bar_Pending" view-id="/eca/bar/eca_pending_ticket.xhtml">
                              <transition name="cancel" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="bar_Error" view-id="/eca/bar/eca_error.xhtml">
                              <transition name="menu" to="mainmenu"/>
                              <transition name="exit" to="exit"/>
                         <page name="exit" view-id="/home.xhtml">

                    this is my pageflow.  im more and more convinced it has something to do with this pageflow and the elements because even when i drastically change the order of the page, its pages in position 6 and 8 in the flow that fail.  if i put other pages in those positions, thos are the ones that fail.

                    • 22. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

                      ugh, this is killin me.  ok, here is what ive done tonight.  i wrote a custom faceletviewhandler class and added a logging method to the restoreView method.  here is the result

                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,438 DEBUG [org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-6) event 'after-signal' on 'Page(citi_pri_appOne)' for 'Token(/)'
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,438 DEBUG [org.jbpm.JbpmContext] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-6) closing jbpmContext org.jbpm.JbpmContext@9e2ad2
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,437 DEBUG [com.show.pro.session.CustomViewHandler] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-4) View found, its a postback
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,438 DEBUG [org.ajax4jsf.application.AjaxStateHolder] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-4) Request for a view states holder instance
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,438 DEBUG [org.ajax4jsf.event.AjaxPhaseListener] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-6) Process after phase INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,438 DEBUG [org.ajax4jsf.component.AjaxRegionBrige] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-4) Restore State of UIAjaxComponent with Id _viewRoot
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,438 DEBUG [org.ajax4jsf.event.AjaxPhaseListener] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-4) Process after phase RESTORE_VIEW 1
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,439 DEBUG [org.ajax4jsf.event.AjaxPhaseListener] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-6) Process before phase RENDER_RESPONSE 6
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,439 DEBUG [org.ajax4jsf.event.AjaxPhaseListener] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-6) PhaseListener enter Before RenderView Phase with ViewId /eca/citi/PrimaryAppTwo.xhtml and RenderKitId HTML_BASIC
                      2009-09-28 20:18:52,439 DEBUG [facelets.viewhandler] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-6) Rendering View: /eca/citi/PrimaryAppTwo.xhtml

                      what this is indicating is that the server is recognizing the post back to the server AS in deed a postback, but for some reason isn't going on the step of parsing the form fields and firing the APPLY REQUEST VALUES method.  im going to expand my view handler to see if i can get any more data out of it to figure out why it isn't firing.

                      • 23. Re: Seam errors: "missing conversation entry" and "Illegal navigation"

                        I wanted to close this conversation. I worked a bit with willie and last i heard from him was that the issue disappeared once he discovered that the page was polling the server once every second.

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