3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2008 4:08 PM by theute

    portal fail over testing


      Scalability of portal without verifying that fail over works properly does not add much value. Hence, before I do more of scalability testing, I would like to verify that fail over works. Once that is verified then I can extend the same test to be used for scalability testing.

      One simple way to do fail over testing in portal case I think is this:

      1. Create a portlet (extend NullPortletPage that we have for load testing) which
      a. For a new session, sets a session attribute called "SEQUENCE_NUMBER" to 0
      b. On subsequent requests, the portlet simply increases the sequence number.

      2. Client makes a request to n-node cluster and it also keeps track of SEQUENCE_NUMBER and asserts that this number matches.

      3. In between request, I randomly pick one or more nodes, bring them down and bring them up after some times.

      Any thoughts on this?

      Another simple test I think will be to change portlet window state to maximized and minimized alternatively and assert on client that response string has correct portlet window state.

        • 1. Re: portal fail over testing

          As we just discussed over the phone, the *portlet* session replication needs to be automatically tested. More than the webapp session (since it's tested at the AS level already, it doesn't cost much to test as well though)

          Also it would be good to have as part of the automated testsuite, a way to test the whole Navigational state replication. (So that you don't have to do it manually anymore, we also need to revisit the manual testing part since it failed lately :-/ My bad for not reviewing the scenarios)

          Navigation State consists of:
          - Window State (Maximized, Minimized, Normal, ...)
          - Portlet Mode (View, Edit, Help...)
          - Render Parameters

          Basically if you change the mode, change a render parameter and modify the window state, it should replicate on the other nodes.

          • 2. Re: portal fail over testing

            To get the two fixes that went in recently related to replication, do I need to check out the latest JBoss_Portal_Branch_2_6?

            • 3. Re: portal fail over testing

              Yes Sir !