4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 23, 2008 9:09 AM by julien1

    SSO Tests


      Now that Cargo has an alpha release with our required changes in it, I would like to get the sso tests committed.

      Basically what happens with the sso tests is that a simple sar is created that mimics the portal security setup and this is used to authenticate users using josso and cas.

      An issue I have is that the tests need to use the portal jems jar, and this hasn't been separated into its own module so I can't just nicely access add it through maven.

      I could add the jar into the maven repository, but I don't know what version it should be (the portal version probably wouldn't work too well).

      Any thoughts on this?

        • 1. Re: SSO Tests

          so I can either continue the naming convention and create something like:


          In this case I could just make the version 0.1 since jems doesn't have it own module yet. This shouldn't cause any problems when jems does get its own module as long as it releases a version higher than 0.1

          Or I could create something else like:

          any thoughts?

          • 2. Re: SSO Tests

            are we talking about making jems a separate module that would be consumed by the existing modules we have ?

            • 3. Re: SSO Tests

              I really don't need to have jems as a separate module, I just need to be able to access the jems jar from the maven repo.

              My issue is since jems is not a separate module right now (and I am assuming it will be in the future) what is the most sane way to put it into the repo?

              • 4. Re: SSO Tests

                my point of view is that jems is legacy and we want to get rid of it.

                can you look at the reason why it's used in SSO tests and find a way to not use it anymore ?