7 Replies Latest reply on Sep 8, 2008 1:42 AM by bashan

    Rss feed



      I am trying to write RSS feed and having some problems with the description part.
      I want the description part to be HTML rather than plain text.
      But it seems like the HTML in the description tag is not parsed correctly (by the browser). I assume this is happening because the HTML tags are not rendered as HTML entities. So I decided to solve it by adding: CDATA. But when I aded the CDTDA, for some reason that I don't exactly understand, all the data in the CDATA was rendered with HTML entites, causing the feed content to be shown as text of HTML rather than rendered HTML.

      How can I solve this issue?


        • 1. Re: Rss feed

          If you want some help, show at least the code that generate the rss.

          • 2. Re: Rss feed

            Sorry, here is my current code:

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <rss version='2.0'
                <title>Most Recent</title>
                  <title>Most Recent</title>
                <description>Recently added to Nikonians.tv</description>
                <t:dataList value="#{home.channels}" var="channel">
                  <t:dataList value="#{home.channelVideos}" var="video">
                        <table width="500">
                            <td width="5%">
                              <s:link view="/video.show.xhtml">
                                <f:param name="vid" value="#{video.videoPhysicalId}" />
                                <h:graphicImage value="#{path:getVideoThumbMedium(video)}" styleClass="picture"/>
                            <td valign="top">
                              <table width="100%" border="0">
                                    <s:link view="/video.show.xhtml" propagation="none" value="#{video.name}" styleClass="linkVideo">
                                      <f:param name="vid" value="#{video.videoPhysicalId}" />
                                  <td align="right">
                                  <td colspan="2" style="border-top:solid 1px #cccccc">
                                          <n:ratingShow />
                                          <f:verbatim>&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp;</f:verbatim>#{video.views} Views<f:verbatim>&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp;</f:verbatim>#{home.commentsNum}
                                          From<f:verbatim>&amp;nbsp;</f:verbatim><s:link view="/user.home.public.xhtml" value="#{video.user.username}"><f:param name="userId" value="#{video.user.userId}" /></s:link> in #{video.channel.name}

            • 3. Re: Rss feed

              The RSS specification is not completly clear on how to embbed html in description.

              As you did it seems that enclosing the html inside a CDATA section is the best supported for the feed readers.


              Thus the question is who converts the html tag inside the CDATA in html entities ? Is it Seam or is it your rss reader ?

              if you do something like

              %> wget http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/myrss.seam 

              Can you still check in the console output that the html inside the CDATA is converted in html entities ?

              By the way are you able to read other feeds containing html with your feed reader ?

              • 4. Re: Rss feed

                My reader (firefox) is showing all other feeds coming from places like youtube and picasa.
                I checked the output with wget and it clearly seems to be coming from the server. It seems like Seam or JSF or facelets is somehow manipulating the data inside a CDATA. This is weird, because it is reasonable to think, that from all places, the data inside a CDATA shouldn't be manipulated...

                Is there a way to overcome this? What is the cause to this conversion?


                • 5. Re: Rss feed

                  the data inside a CDATA shouldn't be manipulated...

                  I agree

                  Beside if the rendering (facelet) engine take the decision to convert your html inside the CDATA section, it should then take the decision to not interpret this ...

                   <h:graphicImage value="#{path:getVideoThumbMedium(video)}" styleClass="picture"/>

                  But it does interpret it, thus I may misunderstand something, I'm going to investigate this question.

                  • 6. Re: Rss feed
                    • 7. Re: Rss feed


                      Yes, I have seen this post. My problem is that I don't have a single property like: blogEntry.content.
                      I have there a whole block of HTML.

                      Did I miss something in that solution that might help me?