4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 16, 2008 12:52 AM by amit.u.purohit

    Integration testing in Seam using TESTNG

      I could test most of my services using the examples provided in the Seam documentation.
      However, I have a requirement, wherein my database services would accept a movie object and persist it as shown below

      public void persistMovieObj(Movie movie) {
                      log.debug("Persisting movie information for the movie : " + movie.getTitle() );
              }catch(Exception e){
                      log.error("Unhandled exception was caught while persisting movie : " + movie.getTitle() );

      my test method is as shown below:

      public void testPersistMovie() throws Exception{
              new FacesRequest() {

              protected void invokeApplication()
                      boolean pass = true;
                              Movie movie =(Movie)Component.getInstance(Movie.class, create);
                      }catch(Exception e){
                              log.error("Error occured " + e.getMessage());
                              pass = false;
                              assert pass;



      The above method doest not seem to pass the movie object to the services layer and hence I get a null movie object when I try to persist the movie

      Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong or the changes to be made in the code ?
      Help Really Appreciated
         Thanks for the reply. I could test most of my services using the examples provided in the Seam documentation. However, I have a requirement, wherein my database services would accept a movie object and persist it as shown below
         public void persistMovieObj(Movie movie)
                         log.debug("Persisting movie information for the movie : " + movie.getTitle() );
                 }catch(Exception e){
                      log.error("Unhandled exception was caught while persisting movie : " + movie.getTitle() );

         my test method is as shown below:
         @Test public void testPersistMovie() throws Exception
                 new FacesRequest()
                         { @Override protected void invokeApplication()
                                 boolean pass = true;
                                         Movie movie =(Movie)Component.getInstance(Movie.class, create);
                                 }catch(Exception e){
                                         log.error("Error occured " + e.getMessage());
                                         pass = false;
                                 { assert pass; } }
         The above method doest not seem to pass the movie object to the services layer and hence I get a null movie object
         when I try to persist the movie
         Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong or the changes to be made in the code ? Help Really Appreciated