10 Replies Latest reply on Sep 19, 2008 10:04 PM by luxspes

    Not able to get selected values from combobox

      I am able to populate the values into the combo box(from the database) but when i submit the form ,an exception occurs and i didn't get the selected values from the combo.

      INFO  [lifecycle] WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, bu
      may not have been displayed.
      sourceId=j_id10:j_id46[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(value is required), detail
      value is required)]

      Please help me to solve this problem....

      Combo box xhtml code:
      <h:selectOneMenu  value="#{machineBean.vendorName}" tabindex="4"  required="true">
                                                                                                                                                              <s:selectItems value="#{vendors}" var="vendorNm" itemLabel="#{vendorNm.vendorName}" itemValue="#{vendorNm.vendorName}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select Vendor --" />
        • 1. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

          Please post here the code for your combobox in your .xhtml file.

          • 2. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

            I have 2 dependent dropdowns (data is being in ajax request), and each time the father drop down is being changed and there is a ajax request, I am getting a similir error in my log.
            Everything seemed to work fine beside this notification, so I decide to ignore it for now...

            • 3. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox
              Combo box xhtml code:

              <h:selectOneMenu value="#{machineBean.vendorName}">
                                                                                                                                                                      <s:selectItems value="#{vendors}" var="vendorNm" itemLabel="#{vendorNm.vendorName}" itemValue="#{vendorNm.vendorName}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select Vendor --" />
              • 4. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

                Please give me a sample code to get selected value from combobox(which retrieves values from database table)

                • 5. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

                  Please give me a sample code..

                  • 6. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox
                    I have a User Registration Form for entering user details. In this form there is one field for setting User Group,
                    I am able to populate the values into the combo box(from the database) but when i submit the form ,an exception occurs and i didn't get the combobox selected user group value .

                    INFO [lifecycle] WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, bu
                    may not have been displayed.
                    sourceId = j_id10:j_id46[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(value is required), detail
                    value is required)]

                    Please help me to solve this problem....

                    Combo box xhtml code:

                             <h:selectOneMenu name="group" id="userGroupId" value="#{userBean.userGroupId}" tabindex="4" >

                    <s:selectItems value="#{groups}" var="group" label="#{group.groupReferenceId}" itemValue="#{group}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select Group --" />
                                                                                                                     Action Class:-

                    public class UserAction implements User, Serializable{
                                     private GroupBean groupBean = null;
                            private EntityManager em = null;
                            private static Log log = null;
                            private List<GroupBean> groups = null;
                            private transient FacesContext facesContext;
                                                public String addUser() {
                                                     userBo = new UserBO();
                                    groups = em.createQuery("select group from
                                             GroupBean group").getResultList();
                                    return "addUser";
                                                       @Destroy @Remove
                            public void destroy() {

                                                                                            Entity Bean:--

                    public class GroupBean implements Serializable{
                                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                            private String groupId = null;
                        private String groupReferenceId = null;

                            public GroupBean() {
                            public GroupBean(String groupId, String groupReferenceId){
                                    this.groupId = groupId;
                                    this.groupReferenceId = groupReferenceId;
                                     @Id @GeneratedValue
                            public String getGroupId() {
                                    return groupId;
                                      public void setGroupId(String groupId) {
                                    this.groupId = groupId;
                                     public String getGroupReferenceId() {
                                    return groupReferenceId;
                                     public void setGroupReferenceId(String groupReferenceId) {
                                    this.groupReferenceId = groupReferenceId;

                    • 7. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox


                      WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, bu
                      may not have been displayed.
                      sourceId = j_id10:j_id46[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(value is required), detail
                      value is required)]

                      comes from your Validator (JSF)making these messages (value is required) available on client-side.

                      This is really harmless and absolutely okay!!

                      You can switch it off, if you do


                      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{machineBean.vendorName}" tabindex="4" required="false">

                      but then no validation occurs.

                      • 8. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

                        nimo mayr wrote on Sep 19, 2008 18:28:


                        WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, bu
                        may not have been displayed.
                        sourceId = j_id10:j_id46[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(value is required), detail
                        value is required)]

                        comes from your Validator (JSF)making these messages (value is required) available on client-side.

                        This is really harmless and absolutely okay!!

                        That is not true, this validation is internal at it means there is a programming error.

                        You can switch it off, if you do


                        <h:selectOneMenu value="#{machineBean.vendorName}" tabindex="4" required="false">

                        but then no validation occurs.

                        Again not true, required="false" is only to force you to select something, not to
                        turn off internal validation.

                        Click HELP for text formatting instructions. Then edit this text and check the preview.

                        • 9. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

                          Well, first of all if your GroupBean is an @Entity  shouldn't have this:


                          Last time I had this kind of problem it was because the properties binded by the selectOneMenu had the wrong ScopeType:

                          <h:selectOneMenu name="group" id="userGroupId" value="#{userBean.userGroupId}" tabindex="4" >
                            <s:selectItems value="#{groups}" var="group" label="#{group.groupReferenceId}" itemValue="#{group}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select Group --" />

                          #{userBean.userGroupId} should be stored in ScopeType.PAGE (or ScopeType.SESSION, but PAGE is better most of the times), something like:

                          @In(required = false, scope = ScopeType.PAGE)
                          @Out(required = false, scope = ScopeType.PAGE)
                          private String userGroupId;

                          But I haven't tried that with a String, in my code I prefer to use the Bean directly

                          @In(required = false, scope = ScopeType.PAGE)
                          @Out(required = false, scope = ScopeType.PAGE)
                          private GroupBean userGroup;


                          <h:selectOneMenu name="group" id="userGroupId" value="#{userBean.userGroup}" tabindex="4">
                          <s:selectItems value="#{groups}" var="group" label="#{group.groupReferenceId}" itemValue="#{group}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select Group --" />

                          Your other problem may be #{group} it might be get empty some times (you shoul be using @Factory or a getter getGroup() that makes the query and only uses the group variable as cache.

                          Hope this helps,

                          • 10. Re: Not able to get selected values from combobox

                            Ups, I misread, my mistake, you are right, sorry,sorry,sorry. (But I still think the code posted by the original poster has many mistakes)