5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 26, 2008 6:58 PM by norman

    pdf page work as a normal xhtml page


      I try to create a pdf document you can see the code below. but when I try to open it, it works like an ordinary xhtml page.

      <p:document xmlns:p="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pdf"> 
          <p:image alignment="right" wrap="true" resource="/logo.jpg" />
          <p:font size="24">
              <p:paragraph spacingAfter="50">My First Document</p:paragraph>
          <p:paragraph alignment="justify">
              This is a simple document.  It isn't very fancy.

      Here is my output

      My First Document This is a simple document. It isn't very fancy. 

      There are no paragraphs, no font size, nothing. Do you have any idea why it works like this?