0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2008 3:44 AM by pdpantages

    Nested conversations, passivation, and NoPassivationCache


      Hello Forum,

      Jboss 4.2.2.GA
      Seam 2.0.1.GA
      Richfaces 3.2.1.GA

      I use nested conversations quite a bit and have always had problems with seam components in the parent conversations passivating/activating properly.

      I have verified that my objects are serializable, using the utility, with some modifcations, at:

      Still, I always had problems and have restorted to polling (touching) the beans in the parent conversation to keep them from passivating.

      I ran across the following in the jboss docs:


      This seems to do exactly what it is supposed to; my beans so annotated do not passivate; I don't have to poll them and all of my problems have dissappeared:)

      My question to the forum is, am I digging my own grave by using this?
      Or, is  there a significant downside, (like memory leaking) associated with its use? Or any extra config that I need to do?

      I understand that the cache will hold everything in memory, but I am doing this anway by touching the parent objects constantly...

      Thanks, PdP