1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on Nov 16, 2008 12:08 AM by shane.bryzak Go to original post
      • 15. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

        I found the problem. It's not really a problem of the PermissionManager. The problem is by the transaction:

        this is a quote from e-book seam in action:

        Notice the @Transactional annotation on the class. Since remoting requests operate
        outside the  JSF life cycle, they aren't wrapped in Seam's global transaction. There-
        fore, @WebRemote methods must declare transaction boundaries.

        the problem is here:

           private void grant(List<Permission> permissions)
            public void test()
              TestClass tc=new TestClass();
             Principal prrincipal = new SimplePrincipal("root");
             Permission p1= new Permission(tc,"view",prrincipal);
             Permission p2= new Permission(tc,"test",prrincipal);
             List<Permission> permissions= new ArrayList<Permission>();

        @Transactional is present but it will be ignored becuase it's not called from outside.
        if I change it to

           public void grant(List<Permission> permissions)

        and call it form an other seam componet it will work.

        I don't know if the PermissionManager need an own transaction if yes, you can add @Transactional to the method:

        public boolean grantPermission(Permission permission)

        but I don't know if this has an effect if you call it form jsf.

        So it's not a bug.

        those who use the permissionManager in combinaiton with a @WebRemote method should not forget to care about the transaction by using the @Transactional annotation. So it was my mistake because I made a failure by using the @Transactional annotation.

        Sorry @Shane :)
        you can delete the bug in jira because it's not a bug or you can itegrate @Transactional in the JpaPermissionStore if you want, if there are no effects to jsf calls

        greetz Marco

        • 16. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

          It's not a bug but it still needs to be addressed, either by documentation or possibly by making all remote calls transactional.  So the issue is still relevant for tracking this.

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