3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2008 9:39 AM by tnl77

    Problem with s:decorator, s:message and cancel button

      Hi seam forum!

      I experienced a problem canceling an operation and resetting the form to default values. I will explain it with a little example: I have a simple form with one save and one cancel button. When the user clicks on the save button, the form shall be resetted. I am using ajax4jsf commandbuttons.

      <s:decorate template="/include/formFieldDecorate.xhtml">
        <ui:define name="label">Duration</ui:define>
        <h:inputText id="duration" size="5" value="#{testHome.instance.duration}"  required="true" />
        <a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{testHome.persist}" reRender="testForm" />
        <a4j:commandLink action="#{testHome.reset}" reRender="testForm" ajaxSingle="true" />

      The first problem was that hitting the cancel button causes validation errors. That problem was easy to solve by adding:


      Unfortuantely, setting immediate to true has the sideeffect that the action method in my backing bean succesfully resets the field values, but reRender doesn't show it.

      I tried another solution by adding


      to the cancel button. That works almost perfect except that the

      expression within the s:decoration  tag doesn't recognize the changes. The error messages become invisible but the error styles are still applied.

      Immediate works except that the new values were not applied to the form.
      ajaxSingle works except that the s:decorator invalid expression recognizes it.

      How can I solve the problem?

        • 1. Re: Problem with s:decorator, s:message and cancel button

          Sorry, one mistake while preparing a simplified example: I forgot the id for the h:form. So it must look like:

          <h:form id="testForm">

          • 2. Re: Problem with s:decorator, s:message and cancel button

            A short status update. As explained, I guess that the #{invalid} will not be reset when using ajaxSingle="true" instead of immediate="true". I looked at the sources of s:decorator and tried to reset #{invalid} manually by using the following codes in the reset method:

            // Contexts.getEventContext().set("invalid", false);

            Unfortunately, it didn't work. Maybe I am completely wrong with my assumptions with #{invalid}?

            • 3. Re: Problem with s:decorator, s:message and cancel button

              Hi Vassiliy!

              I faced with the same problem and it seems that I have solve it.

              I also used ajaxSingle = "true" for my cancel button and in the action for this button I called following function with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot() as argument.

              public static void clearInvalidState(UIComponent root) {
                   for (UIComponent component : root.getChildren()) {
                       if (component instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
                           EditableValueHolder valueHolder = (EditableValueHolder)component;