4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 30, 2008 9:12 AM by jonssonth

    Strange injection behaviour



      I'm trying to inject a home class (a seam framework one) into an action class (not an EJB), without success in the scenario when i'm at the same time have a binding to a HtmlDataTable in the same action class.

              HtmlDataTable dataTable;
           CustomerHome customerHome;

      If I remove the snippet HtmlDataTable dataTable; the injection is sucessfull.

      Some error messages:
      Exception during request processing:
      Caused by javax.servlet.ServletException with message: "/customer_codevalueentries.xhtml @13,71 binding="#{customerCodeValueAction.dataTable}": Error writing 'dataTable' on type com.jf.prototype.ui.CustomerCodeValueActionImpl_$$_javassist_5"
      Caused by javax.el.ELException with message: "/customer_codevalueentries.xhtml @13,71 binding="#{customerCodeValueAction.dataTable}": Error writing 'dataTable' on type com.jf.prototype.ui.CustomerCodeValueActionImpl_$$_javassist_5"
      Caused by org.jboss.seam.RequiredException with message: "@In attribute requires non-null value: customerCodeValueAction.customerHome"

      Please note  if I statically create the customerHome instance (in the constructor) no errors occurs.