0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 10, 2008 9:11 PM by etirk

    h:message tag stopped working


      Been keeping up to date with trunk and now a previously working error-decoration stopped working.
      The error is added to the correct control, by id. The error is visible under h:message.

      To support a newline under the entry the following mechanism is added, which also evaluates correctly to true. Thus the only error
      seems to be inside the taglib that is

      <h:message />


      <h:panelGroup rendered="#{not empty facesMessages.currentMessages}">
         <br />
         <h:message for="nameOfControl" errorClass="facesError" />

      Removing the panelGroup does nothing. The message just won't show inside the h:message.
      The error exists, and is as far in as I step correctly added to StatusMessages:keyedMessages by its correct id.
