0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2008 7:21 PM by karshak

    10000 requests per minute - Architecture decission- which framework?


      Hi all,
      I need some suggestions.We are developing a financial application which needs to handle approx.. 10000 requests per minute. I am looking which is the best to choose. i have gone through seam framework ,build couple of pages for testing and all.Used spring (DI) and hibernate.

      1- Seam has productin listing (users sharing experiances)
      ....seamframework.org/Documentation/SeamInProduction which i got a useful insight.
      Is there any spring in production listing ?

      2- I am thinking of two options, suggest for more-
      a- Seam-jsf,Spring business layer,hibernate
      b- Spring MVC,jsp.

      3- Initially we can test for both, but we have to get rid of other some time.
      Suggest me for successfull App.Please pour in your experiances.

      Thank You.
