1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 24, 2008 6:46 AM by ginkgo

    svn newest ant build fail

      hello everyone,

        I svn the newest seam source r9610, and my env is:
      Linux,  jdk1.5.0.16, ant 1.7.1 and maven is 2.0.9.

        When I run the "ant " it has some error, it notice
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/develop/source/svn-repo/work/seam-r9610/ui
           [java] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
           [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
           [java] [ERROR] FATAL ERROR
           [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
           [java] [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
           [java] GroupId: org.jboss.seam
           [java] ArtifactId: parent
           [java] Version: 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT
           [java] Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
           [java]   org.jboss.seam:parent:pom:2.1.1-SNAPSHOT
           [java] from the specified remote repositories:
           [java]   central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
           [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

      and I check the build.xml and find the target "jarcore" work well. but when I run the "ant jarui", it always notice this.

        Can anyone tell me, maybe there are some error when I run the ant. How to resolve the problem

        • 1. Re: svn newest ant build fail
          Sorry for addition message.

          When I run the "jarcore" target. I notice that in my local maven repository it has the file "parent-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.pom" in the folder
