0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 24, 2008 4:27 PM by boulanou

    fill RichFaces Tree from complex data structure?


      Hello All,

      i need to display/edit/modify a complex data structure thru RICHFACES tree componant.

      The data structure is based on relation between produts from the same family of products.

      I have spent more than 4 Weeks to put in place this kind of tree but i am not satisfy at all by my solution...

      The process is the following one:
      - I retreive data structure from an Oracle Database thru stocked procedure (This works) .
      I fill a TreeNodeImpl that i use as nodes.I iterate thru this TreeNodeImpl with var propertie.

      My question is how to fill a TreeNodeImpl with a link child-parent and how should i use addChild, Set Parent,SetData  ... methods to fill it.

      Thanks you in advance for your help.