1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2008 2:55 PM by cpopetz

    eclipse seam, annotation-spring-beans only work from src-model, NOT src-action


      Like @Name, Spring scans for annotated beans:

      <context:component-scan base-package="wm.sampleapp"/>

      If beans are in seam src/model, they're found, thats OK. If in src/action, they're NOT. I think this relates to the synchronizing class reload jboss thing. Any ideas? Can it work from src/action or not?

        • 1. Re: eclipse seam, annotation-spring-beans only work from src-model, NOT src-action

          When classes live in src/action, and hot deployment is enabled, those classes are deployed to WEB-INF/dev and loaded by Seam's hot deployment classloader, which detects changes in them and reloads them as necessary, rather than being deployed to WEB-INF/classes like those in src/model.

          I have no familiarity with spring, but I assume you can configure it to scan that directory in addition to the others in the deployment.