1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on Jul 18, 2011 5:51 PM by mroett01 Go to original post
      • 15. Re: ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException with only one conversation

        eventsQueue helps when it comes to a:support but I am getting that exception using a:mediaOutput and it does not have eventsQueue attribute.Has anyone faced that problem?

        • 16. Re: ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException with only one conversation


          I experienced similar issue with the rich:fileUpload widget. It crashed the app each time transfer error occured. The problem was with the conversation lock not released, doing it manually with Conversation.leave() before letting the exception propagate to view did the trick.


          • 17. Re: ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException with only one conversation

            i'm having the same problems, under jboss 5.1.0 and Seam 2.2.0.GA

            i've 6 ric:combobox controls like this

            <rich:comboBox id="GedTagCmb" value="#{attributoReg.valore}" suggestionValues="#{attributoReg.getCurrentSuggestItem()}" directInputSuggestions="true" width="#{attributoReg.attributoregistrazione.attributo.attribArch_UIT.getProperty('width')}">
                 <a4j:support event="onfocus" eventsQueue="reg" status="comboStatus">
                      <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{attributoReg}" target="#{arcRegManager.arBeanList.selectedBean}" />
                 <a4j:support actionListener="#{arcRegManager.arBeanList.onModify}" event="onchange" eventsQueue="reg" reRender="GedTagCmb, GedTagLongTxt, GedTagTxt, GedTagNum, GedTagDate, GedTagHidden" />

            their suggersItemlists are linked and rerendered by the a4j:support each time you choose a new value. At the end of the page, i've an insert button.

            <h:commandButton action="#{arcRegManager.insertRegistrazione}" id="GedBtnIns" value="#{messages['gen_insert']}" styleClass="button"      onclick="onRequestStart();" eventsQueue="reg" rendered="#{!inModifica}" style="width: 100px;">                         </h:commandButton>

            if i click the insert button during a combobox's ajax call, i get the concurrent call error.

            thanks in advance for any suggestion and your time

            • 18. Re: ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException with only one conversation


              One thing I've learnt when using the richfaces components is that if you are using some you are best to use as many as possible. This means using things like a4j:repeat instead of ui:repeat, a4j:form instead of h:form and in your case a4j:commandButton instead of h:commandButton.

              Changing the h:commandButton to an a4j:commandButton will hopefully fix your problem.

              • 19. Re: ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException with only one conversation

                Hello All,

                I want to know if I can use the same eventsQueue for different elements in the same page.

                Are they going to put the events in the same queue?


                • 20. Re: ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException with only one conversation

                  Yes, you can use the same eventsQueue.  It will place the requests into the same queue.

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