3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 5, 2009 5:34 PM by matthieugd

    s:link inside datatable and parameter



      I try to add an s:link inside a richfaces datatable which opens a new window (or new tab) by calling a action with an object as parameter

      Here's my datatable :

      <rich:column headerClass="caption">
                       <f:facet name="header"></f:facet>
                       <h:commandLink id="lienModifierCompte" target="_blank" 
                       <s:link id="lienCréerCompte" 
      action="#{creationCompte.initCreationCompte(dossier)}" value="créer"/>                                

      My search bean as the list as DataModel :

      public class RecherchePersonneBean implements RecherchePersonne {
           private DifSF service;
            * Collection résultat
           private List<Dossier> dossierResultats;

      And the bean called by the s:link :

      public void initCreationCompte(Dossier dossier) {
        currentDossierDIF = dossier;          

      The h:commandlink works but the dossier parameter of the s:link is always null. I've seen the booking example and it seems to be the same as my requirement but I can't find my problem. When I execute the booking sample one difference is the href generated, the dataModelSelection argument is missing in the URL generated in my datatable but I don't see where does it come, the bean HotelSearchingAction defined only a DataModel (the search result list) but no dataselectionmodel.


      and mine is :


      The Dossier class is a POJO from a jar library, it's not a component defined.

      I've seen this thread (http://seamframework.org/Community/ConversationLifecycleQuestion ) with the same problem.

        • 1. Re: s:link inside datatable and parameter

          I found my problem in the EL expression of the rich:datable value I use :

          <rich:dataTable id="resultats" value="#{myBean.dossierResultats}" var="dossier" />

          and not :

          <rich:dataTable id="resultats" value="#{dossierResultats}" var="dossier" />

          which is working

          I look at the source of the s:link component and the getParentUIData returned a HtmlDataTable where the getValue() return null and not the collection.


          • 2. Re: s:link inside datatable and parameter

            Your parameter inside an action call of a s:link can't work because of how it's generated jsf cycle wise, so you should use a h:commandLink there.

            Anyway, since apparently you want to perform some basic CRUD action here, I'd strongly advise you to use EntityHome, which avoid a lot of conversation issues and are very easy to use. See the docs of the Wiki knowledge base to kow more about it.

            • 3. Re: s:link inside datatable and parameter

              Adrien Orsier wrote on Jan 05, 2009 16:18:
              Your parameter inside an action call of a s:link can't work because of how it's generated jsf cycle wise, so you should use a h:commandLink there.

              I don't unterstand your answer, my s:link works indeed with the correct EL expression ie value="#{dossierResultats}" instead of value="#{myBean.dossierResultats}"

              Have you look to the booking example ? It uses a s:link inside a datatable.