1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2009 12:12 AM by accless

    EntityManager - How to get it on a class that is not a SeamComponent



      I'm use to get my EntityManager as normal way on a Hibernate project

      EntityManagerFactory emf = HibernateUtil.getEntityManagerFactory();

      EntityManager em = emf.getEntityManager();



      if im on a Seam component, specified by the @Name(name) annotation, we just have to do:

      @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em;

      But if i want to create a class that manage all the transactions with the database like creation, updates, removes, query's? How can i get the EntityManager? It is suppose to do on other way?

      Thanks a lot!

        • 1. Re: EntityManager - How to get it on a class that is not a SeamComponent

          So far, i can imagine of three ways:

          1) EJB

          private EntityManager entityManager;

          No Seam needed for this injection, as the ejb-container will do it for you

          2) SMPC

          private EntityManager entityManager;

          Seam is needed, as you are injecting the seam managed persistence context.

          3) SMPC

          EntityManager em = (EntityManager)Component.getInstance("entityManager");

          Same as before. But in comparison you do not rely on a seam interceptor for the injection.
          Very useful for components having the @ByPassInterceptor

          Hope this helps you a bit...
