2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 2, 2009 5:20 PM by wierzgala

    file upload problem null


      Hi everyone,

      I Am trying to develop a relatively Web 2.0 application, and 6 days ago I faced a problem with <s:fileUpload> tag. I get null for my byte array holding data and also for a contentType. I checked that even setters aren’t called. I wanted to see what is in the request so I added my own filter wrapped around Seam MultipartFilter. It shows basic info about request. Every time I send a request (except request from logging page) the length of request is -1 and contentType is null. I am really confused and stuck for good. I hope somebody will know how to solve this issue. I suspect the answer will be trivial.

      Here is my form

      <h:form id="UploadPhotoForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                      <s:decorate id="imageField">
                              <s:fileUpload id="imageData" accept="image/*"
                              fileName="#{upload.title}" />
                      <s:button id="save" value="Upload" action="#{upload.savePicture}"/>

      And my action

      public class UploadPictureAction implements Serializable
              User user;
              Log log;
              private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
              private byte[] imageData;
              private String imageContentType;
              private String title;
              public byte[] getImageData() 
                      return imageData;
              public void setImageData(byte[] imageData) 
                      this.imageData = imageData;
              public String getImageContentType() 
                      return imageContentType; 
              public void setImageContentType(String imageContentType) 
                      this.imageContentType = imageContentType;
              public String getTitle() {
                      return title;
              public void setTitle(String title) {
                      this.title = title;
              public void savePicture()
                      PicturesManager pm = PicturesManager.getInstance();
                      catch(Exception e)

      My components.xml

      <core:init debug="true" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@"/>
         <core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="500"
         <persistence:managed-persistence-context name="em"
         <persistence:entity-manager-factory name="erasmusDatabase"
         <security:identity authenticate-method="#{authenticator.authenticate}" remember-me="true"/>
              <web:ajax4jsf-filter force-parser="true" 
         <web:multipart-filter create-temp-files="true"
                            url-pattern="*.seam" />
         <event type="org.jboss.seam.security.notLoggedIn">
            <action execute="#{redirect.captureCurrentView}"/>
         <event type="org.jboss.seam.security.loginSuccessful">
            <action execute="#{redirect.returnToCapturedView}"/>
         <mail:mail-session host="localhost" port="2525" username="test" password="test" />


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
          <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
          <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
          <filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
          <filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
          <servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>
          <servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>
          <display-name>Restrict raw XHTML Documents</display-name>

      Additionaly my filter

      public class ErasmusUploadFilter extends AbstractFilter
              public void doFilter(ServletRequest arg0, ServletResponse arg1,FilterChain arg2) throws IOException, ServletException 
                      HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) arg0;
                      System.out.println("[UploadFilter] ContentLength:"+httpRequest.getContentLength());
                      System.out.println("[UploadFilter] ContentType:" + httpRequest.getContentType());
                      Enumeration a = arg0.getAttributeNames();
                              Object elem = a.nextElement();
                              System.out.println("[UploadFilter] Atribute:" + elem + " wartosc:" + arg0.getAttribute((String)elem));
                      for(Object e: arg0.getParameterMap().keySet())
                              System.out.println("[UploadFilter] Parameter:"+ e.toString());
                      arg2.doFilter(arg0, arg1);

      and fragment of console output

      09:23:25,250 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:25,250 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:26,474 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:26,475 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:27,209 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:27,209 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:27,255 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:27,256 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:27,718 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:27,718 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:27,733 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:27,733 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:27,970 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:28,049 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:53,081 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:113
      09:23:53,081 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      09:23:53,082 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:login:password
      09:23:53,082 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:login:username
      09:23:53,082 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:login:login
      09:23:53,082 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:login
      09:23:53,082 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:javax.faces.ViewState
      09:23:53,999 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:53,999 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:53,999 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:cid
      09:23:54,708 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:54,709 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:54,776 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:54,776 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:55,072 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:55,072 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:55,384 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:55,385 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:58,272 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:58,272 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:58,968 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:58,968 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:59,028 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:59,028 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:23:59,279 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:23:59,279 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:00,753 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:00,753 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:01,179 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:01,179 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:01,345 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:01,345 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:01,554 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:01,554 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:01,676 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:01,676 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:02,058 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:02,058 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:02,181 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:02,182 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:02,225 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:02,225 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:22,954 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:22,955 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:22,955 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:cid
      09:24:22,955 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] Parameter:actionMethod
      09:24:23,011 INFO  [STDOUT] imageContentType:null
      09:24:23,011 INFO  [STDOUT] imageData:null
      09:24:23,395 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:23,396 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:23,420 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:23,420 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:23,779 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:23,780 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:24,059 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:24,059 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:24,228 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:24,228 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:24,374 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:24,374 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null
      09:24:24,385 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentLength:-1
      09:24:24,385 INFO  [STDOUT] [UploadFilter] ContentType:null

        • 1. Re: file upload problem null

          from the book Seam in Action by Dan Allen:

          The command components in the Seam UI component library, <s:link> and
          <s:button>, support data model selections, despite the fact that they don’t submit a
          form or restore the JSF UI component tree like the JSF command components.


          <h:commandButton id="save" value="Upload" action="#{upload.savePicture}"/>

          • 2. Re: file upload problem null

            Thanks. It worked. I knew it's something trivial. If I had asked earlier I wouldnt have wasted whole week for it. Thanks again.