0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 7, 2009 12:26 PM by qbert

    Intercept MimeMessage generated by seam-mail renderer



      we'd like to use seam-mail to create dynamic emails for various use cases. it works great, but my only problem is that the the mail deliveries are considered such an important step within the business process that we have to keep track of the system generated mails (e.g. log subject, receiver, creation date etc. in a database table).
      calling 'renderer.render(/mail.xhtml)' just sends out the whole thing while it would be great that it would also raise an event (thereby passing MimeMessage to an Observer) or provide some other means of accessing the mail before or after it's actually sent. any ideas? i discovered that the SeamTest class provides a promising getRenderedMailMessage method, alas it uses a MockTransport behind the scene and it also seems wrong to me to abuse a test for my purposes.
