0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 20, 2009 2:29 PM by zmicer

    ui:repeat doesn't work when rendering at the tests


      Hello, All.

      Please have in the view the following info regarding seam 2.1.0.GA framework. Currently I has been testing mail functionality using SeamTest base class and the following construction

                     new FacesRequest() {
                              protected void invokeApplication() throws Exception {
      //*** here code is placed

      As I could see ui:repeat doesn't work completely at the tests.

      I use

              private Renderer renderer;

      in my code to render mail message containing m:to tags surrounded with ui:repeat. And seems to be variable from var attribute of ui:repeat is not placed into the page context to be available then when rendering m:to tag.

      Also I checked if ui:repeat works without nested tags - the same things - it doesn't make iterations at all over provided collection..

      Still the following works:

      #{collection.size()} returns more then 0 
      #{collection[0].name}, #{collection[1].name} prints right output, what shows collection is passed properly.

      Thanks for attention.

      Kind regards,