3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2009 5:52 PM by jesper.pedersen

    Multiple jars with differing versions


      https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/TTALE-29 is about adding an action report for eliminating mismatched versions of jars. I'm not sure quite what the action report would look like, but since the main index.html page contains a list of jars anyway, I think it would be useful if it included a list of each jar's versions.Index: src/main/org/jboss/tattletale/reporting/Dump.java
      --- src/main/org/jboss/tattletale/reporting/Dump.java (revision 36)
      +++ src/main/org/jboss/tattletale/reporting/Dump.java (working copy)
      @@ -141,12 +141,31 @@
      bw.write("" + NEW_LINE);

      bw.write("<h2>Jar files</h2>" + NEW_LINE);
      - bw.write("" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write("" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" " + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" Name" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" Version(s)" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" " + NEW_LINE);

      + boolean odd = true;
      for (Archive a : archives)
      - bw.write("<a href=\"" + a.getName() + ".html\">" + a.getName() + "" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" <tr class=\"" + (odd ? "rowodd" : "roweven") + "\">" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" <a href=\"" + a.getName() + ".html\">" + a.getName() + "" + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" " + NEW_LINE);
      + for (Iterator iter = a.getLocations().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
      + {
      + Location loc = iter.next();
      + bw.write(loc.getVersion());
      + if (iter.hasNext())
      + bw.write("");
      + }
      + bw.write(" " + NEW_LINE);
      + bw.write(" " + NEW_LINE);
      + odd = !odd;
      + bw.write("" + NEW_LINE);

      bw.write("" + NEW_LINE);

        • 1. Re: Multiple jars with differing versions

          Oops, I meant to hit Preview. I guess the forum doesn't handle embedded HTML very well, even when you tell it not to interpret HTML. Anyway, here's the main text again:

          https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/TTALE-29 is about adding an action report for eliminating mismatched versions of jars. I'm not sure quite what the action report is meant to be like, but since the main index.html page contains a list of jars anyway, I think it would be useful if it included a list of each jar's versions.

          This patch replaces the list of jar names with a table of jars with associated versions, a bit like this:

          Jar files
          commons-collections.jar 3.2
          ___________________ 2.1.1
          commons-digester.jar__ 1.8
          ___________________ 1.8

          Index: src/main/org/jboss/tattletale/reporting/Dump.java
          --- src/main/org/jboss/tattletale/reporting/Dump.java (revision 36)
          +++ src/main/org/jboss/tattletale/reporting/Dump.java (working copy)
          @@ -141,12 +141,31 @@
           bw.write("</ul>" + NEW_LINE);
           bw.write("<h2>Jar files</h2>" + NEW_LINE);
          - bw.write("<ul>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write("<table>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" <tr>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" <th>Name</th>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" <th>Version(s)</th>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" </tr>" + NEW_LINE);
          + boolean odd = true;
           for (Archive a : archives)
          - bw.write("<li><a href=\"" + a.getName() + ".html\">" + a.getName() + "</a></li>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" <tr class=\"" + (odd ? "rowodd" : "roweven") + "\">" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" <td><a href=\"" + a.getName() + ".html\">" + a.getName() + "</a></td>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" <td>" + NEW_LINE);
          + for (Iterator<Location> iter = a.getLocations().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
          + {
          + Location loc = iter.next();
          + bw.write(loc.getVersion());
          + if (iter.hasNext())
          + bw.write("<br />");
          + }
          + bw.write(" </td>" + NEW_LINE);
          + bw.write(" </tr>" + NEW_LINE);
          + odd = !odd;
          + bw.write("</table>" + NEW_LINE);
           bw.write("</ul>" + NEW_LINE);

          • 2. Re: Multiple jars with differing versions

            We actually have two action reports already:

            1) Multiple Jar files (INFO)
            2) Multiple Locations (WARNING)

            but these are not implemented as action reports. These were included included in the first beta as a proof-of-concept.

            The action report will pick up actions with a certain action type and produce one or more reports based on these actions. Each action report will contain a severity (INFO, WARNING, ERROR) that the Ant task can exit based upon.

            As the front page will contain multiple archive types I think we should implement TTALE-29 instead. Of course that depends on TTALE-28 ;)

            • 3. Re: Multiple jars with differing versions

              This has been implemented - 1.0.Beta2 will have this functionality