3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 17, 2009 7:45 PM by gonorrhea

    injecting session-scoped component into conversation-scoped component


      I have the following component:

      public class ManageSiteIdAction implements ManageSiteIdLocal{...}

      which is being injected into this component:

      public class ManageEquipmentAction implements ManageEquipmentLocal {...}


                     <h:panelGrid columns="2" style="vertical-align:top; float: right;">
                          <h:outputText value="Current Site: " />                         
                          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{manageSiteId.selectedListValueForSiteId}">
                               <s:selectItems var="lv"
                                    noSelectionLabel="Please Select..." />                                                                                
                               <s:convertEntity />
                               <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{manageSiteId.changeSiteId()}"/>

      The problem has to do with the setting (displaying of selected) of HtmlSelectOneMenu component.  Sometimes it's showing the set/selected property, sometimes it's not.  Seems like a bug but it was working before I refactored the code into two SFSB components.  I ran it thru the debugger and not sure why it's not working in some cases.

      The other interesting thing is that if I don't use the @Begin(join=true) annotation in the session-scoped component, the selected value for the drop down never displays.

      Must a session-scoped component join the LRC to be injected in and used in a conversation-scoped component?

        • 1. Re: injecting session-scoped component into conversation-scoped component

          I changed the code to the following:

          public class ManageSiteIdAction implements ManageSiteIdLocal{...}

          and removed the @Begin(join=true) annotations from the two business methods, and now the drop-down magically behaves properly (the drop down value is properly set and displayed in different situations).

          We actually want the properties associated with HtmlSelectOneMenu and that component to be session-scoped.  How can I fix this problem and use an injected session-scoped component?


          <page view-id="/ManageEquipment.xhtml">
                   <description>Manage Equipment</description>
                   <!-- <action execute="#{manageEquipment.init}" if="#{not manageEquipment.isInitComplete()}"/> -->
                   <begin-conversation join="true"/>
                   <action execute="#{manageSiteId.init}"/>                  
                   <navigation from-action="#{manageEquipment.processRepairHistorySelection}">
                        <redirect view-id="/RepairCaseDetails.xhtml"/>                          
                  <navigation from-action="#{manageEquipment.searchSerialNumber}">
                       <redirect view-id="/ManageEquipment.xhtml"/>

          • 2. Re: injecting session-scoped component into conversation-scoped component

            well apparently you should be able to inject a session-scoped component into a conversation-scoped component.  I checked the older version of my code and it works as intended.

            still not sure exactly what's causing the anomalous behavior (now on to backfactoring!)

            • 3. Re: injecting session-scoped component into conversation-scoped component

              I fixed it but not sure how.  Anyways, I'm wondering if non-matching scoped injection will be supported in Seam 3 and/or Web Beans???