0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 7, 2009 3:03 PM by mkhan18

    Entitymanager is null is converter

      Hi i have a custom converter which i use instead of <s:entityconverter> tag and it implements Converter inetrface and defining getAsObject and getAsString methods. getAsString is working fine but in getAsObject i  call a entityManager.find  method on EntityManeger defined in  my COnverter class as 
      [@In (create=true)]EntityManager entityManager.
       I tried doinng enitityManager.find but the entitymanager is coming null. i have tried injeccting entity manager using @In(create = true) but still its null. i think that seam is not initializing the my converter class as a seam component rather just as a normal class and thats why entity manager is coming null as its unable to use the seam components.
      any suggestions as to how to get the seam to inject entity manager into my custom converter