1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 12, 2009 12:44 AM by gena

    h:selectOneMenu s:selectItems sending selected bean value.

      I have a dropdown list for UI:

      CustodianAccountCreate.xhtml code:

      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{custodianAccountHome.instance.bank}" style="width:110px" required="true" >
                              <s:selectItems value="#{allCustodians}" var="bankVar"  label="#{bankVar.name}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select.."/>

      Here allCustodians is variable from seam context which is a list of bank object.

      If you notice h:selectOneMenu has value custodianAccountHome.instance.bank where bank is an member of CustodianAccount class.

      public class CustodianAccount {

      Bank bank;


      My question is What is standard way to send the selected value to back end.
      I get exceptions like "Value not valid" when I dont use s:convertEntity
      or "Argument type mismatch" when I use s:convertEntity.

      Do I have to use entityConverter.


        • 1. Re: h:selectOneMenu s:selectItems sending selected bean value.

          I think, following should work if the custodianAccountHome.instance.bank is of compatible type with elements of allCustodians:

          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{custodianAccountHome.instance.bank}" style="width:110px" required="true" >
                                  <s:selectItems value="#{allCustodians}" var="bankVar"  label="#{bankVar.name}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select.."/>

          If it doesn't work, where is the Argument type mismatch thrown?