1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 27, 2009 7:44 AM by bsgcic

    Datamodel: casting exception on @Destroy - Submit bug?


      Is there a bug that should be reported for the following?:

      Getting the following error for a datamodel when it is used to display an h:dataTable. The dataTable is displayed fine. However, in the log, I receive:

      15:04:42,312 WARN  [Component] Exception calling component @Destroy method: deliveryDeadlineOptionList
      javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.DataModel
      at org.jboss.ejb3.tx.Ejb3TxPolicy.handleExceptionInOurTx(Ejb3TxPolicy.java:77)

      The bean for this is used for the following two purposes:

      1. Value of an s:selectItems

      2. Value of an h:dataTable (i.e., as mentioned above)

      The bean:

      public class DeliveryDeadlineOptionListAction implements DeliveryDeadlineOptionList, Serializable
      private EntityManager entityManager;
      private List<DeliveryDeadlineOption> deliveryDeadlineOptionsList;
      private DeliveryDeadlineOption deliveryDeadlineOption;
      public void create() {getDeliveryDeadlineOptionsList();}
      public List<DeliveryDeadlineOption> getDeliveryDeadlineOptionsList(){
      return (List<DeliveryDeadlineOption>) entityManager.createQuery("select c from DeliveryDeadlineOption c")
      public DeliveryDeadlineOption getDeliveryDeadlineOption(){return deliveryDeadlineOption;}
      public void destroy() {}

      Relevant portions of the bean where deliveryDeadlineOptionList is used for the s:selectItems functionality:

      public class QuoteCalculatingAction implements QuoteCalculating
      private EntityManager entityManager;
      @In(value="deliveryDeadlineOptionsList", create=true)
      private List<DeliveryDeadlineOption> deliveryDeadlineOptions;
      private List<DeliveryDeadlineOption> selectedDeliveryDeadlineOptions;
      (Standard getters and setters for above)
      public void selectedDeliveryDeadlineOptionsChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
      setSelectedDeliveryDeadlineOptions((List<DeliveryDeadlineOption>) valueChangeEvent.getNewValue());