0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 7, 2009 4:39 PM by idyoshin

    Facelets + smthing


      Good day community,

      sorry if wrong forum. But I'm writting this using seam. so maybe here somebody can explain me.

      I need to implement input field for mine database objects. I've created a simple facelet using richfaces suggestionbox component:

      <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
                     <h:inputText id="suggest_input"  />
                     <a4j:commandButton value="Обнулити"
                          reRender="__descriptionInfo" immediate="true">
                          <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{value}" value="#{null}"  />
                     <s:link view="/crud/spr/contragents/spr_fiz_lic/edit.xhtml" target="contragentEdit"  
                               value="Створити нового" immediate="true" bypassUpdates="true"/>
                <rich:suggestionbox for="suggest_input" minChars="3" width="500"
                     nothingLabel="нічого не знайдено"
                     disableDefault="true" ignoreDupResponses="true" immediate="true"
                                    <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                                         <h:outputText value="ПІБ"/> <b><h:outputText value="#{_fiz_lico_suggest.description}" /></b>
                                         <h:outputText value="Дата народження"/> <b><h:outputText value="#{_fiz_lico_suggest.denRojd}><s:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy"/></h:outputText></b>
                                         <h:ouptutText value="Ідентифікаційний код"/> <b><h:outputText value="#{_fiz_lico_suggest.identifCod}"/></b>
                     <a4j:queue name="q1" />
                     <a4j:support event="onselect"
                          reRender="__descriptionInfo" eventsQueue="q1" immediate="true">
                          <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{_fiz_lico_suggest}" target="#{value}" />
                <a4j:outputPanel id="__descriptionInfo" ajaxRendered="true">
                     <ui:decorate template="/crud/spr/contragents/spr_fiz_lic/output.xhtml">
                          <ui:param name="value" value="#{value}" />
                     <rich:simpleTogglePanel >

      And i'm using this like :

      <s:decorate template="/crud/spr.contragents/spr_fiz_lic/input.xhtml">
           <ui:param name="value" value="#{zayavaWizard.currentPoliciObject.client}" />

      As you can see simple setValue methods... and open new window for creating new. After saving new - back and find the created value.

      What I'd like to achieve  - is to create an input form for this object inside of this wizard for creating new. And if it's called save - the newly created object comes back to and sets value.

      Is this possible with SEAM and Facelets. Where can I look for information? Maybe someone solved similar problems... Anyway any suggestion would be great!

      Best regards,
      Ilya Dyoshin