1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 29, 2009 7:00 PM by aravindkosuri

    message display prob


      In one of my hibernate entity following code is there

          @Column(name = "PRICE", precision = 10)   
          public BigDecimal getPrice() {   
              return this.price;   
          public void setPrice(BigDecimal price) {   
              this.price = price;   
           @Column(name = "PRICE", precision = 10)
           public BigDecimal getPrice() {
                return this.price;
           public void setPrice(BigDecimal price) {
                this.price = price;

      Now when I try to enter string in the input field on seam form I see following error message:

      postad:priceDecorate:price: must be a signed decimal number consisting of zero or more digits, that may be followed by a decimal point and fraction. Example: 198.23

      As you can see instead of Price -appropriate field name, postad:priceDecorate:price: getting displayed.

      What I have to do to only display Price instead of postad:priceDecorate:price:?