3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 19, 2010 5:27 AM by jethroborsje.j.borsje.dji.minjus.nl

    POJO component inheritance


      I want to use inheritance with my POJO Seam component in order to abstract all functionality common to all wizard controller in my application.

      I have an abstract class called AbstractWizardController and an implementation class called ConcereteWizardController. The abstract class does not have @Name and @Scope annotations, but it does have @Create and @End annoations on several methods.

      When I refer to the component from my JSF page it somehow gets created twice. The first time the method annotated with @Create is not called, the second time it is. Am I trying to do something which is not supported?

        • 1. Re: POJO component inheritance

          Can you provide the code please.

          • 2. Re: POJO component inheritance

            I managed to narrow down my problem to the following issue: the subclass (the one with the @Name and @Scope annotations) keeps the values of its variables across the long running conversation, but the variables of the superclass are forgotten.

            This is a snippet of my code:

            public abstract class AbstractWizardController
                    private Stack<String> pages;
                    protedted void init()
                            pages = new Stack<String();
                    public void doStuff()
            public class WizardControllerImpl extends AbstractController
                    public String myValue;
                    public void init()
                            myValue = "test";
                    public void doOtherStuff()
                            // Do other stuff here.

            Each time I move from one page to another the doStuff() method gets called. The first time the pages Stack is an empty stack. When I move to another page the pages variable is null all of a sudden.

            • 3. Re: POJO component inheritance

              I recently found the solution to this problem:
              1 - use getters and setters everywhere instead of referencing a class variable directly.
              2 - do NOT make the getter and setter methods final.