0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2010 3:31 PM by corte86

    Inject and outject a variable created in a xhtml page...

      Hi all....i'm facing this "conceptual" problem...

      My situation: i have an xhtml page backed by a stateless bean which manage the creation, validation and rendering of the objects (ejb of reverse engeneered db) i show in the page...
      The page is simply a checkbox where user can select things from a list of objects, and a table which render with values of the sets of that object...(it's a one-to-many relationship)

      My problem: i have a rich extended datatable which has search field...one i view and render the table it's all ok....once i search something on the search field i get the error that the variable name i've defined in the combobox (selectedValue) "refers to null"....so

      how can i do this: define a variable instanciated in my xhtml page....use it in my stateless manager bean....and re-outject it in my rendered view? I tried all the configurations....

      @In(create=true) @Out(required=false) Object selectedValue;
      @In(create=false) @Out(required=true) Object selectedValue;
      @In(create=true, scope=ScopeType.session) @Out(required=false) Object selectedValue;

      ecc ecc....can u help me clarify that?

      thankyou in advance.....