2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 12, 2010 1:07 PM by gaboo.gael.livre-rare-book.com

    Using s:link in PDF generation and when sengin emails.


      I've not found the way to correctly use s:link in email and pdf document generation.

      In an email, I always have the /project prefix that is appended to the application base path. So I have something like this : http://www.mydomain.org/project/basePath/test.seam
      In a pdf, I have no baseUrl attribute but the base path is correct, so I get something like this : /basePath/test.seam

      Both of them does not work obviously. I've searched the forum, the web, jira, tried many things to no luck. The only, very ugly, solution, is to not use s:link and build the links manually. This would mean lots of work, duplicated code, etc. And from what I've read, I  guess it should work, but how ?

      I've found that there is a hard coded /project in main/org/jboss/seam/mock/MockHttpServletRequest.java, but it does not seam to be used by the mail stuff.

      This is related : http://seamframework.org/Community/DownloadFileInsideSeamPdf

      Can someone tell me at least if it is working as expected for him ? Do anyone have an idea of the changes I need to do to make this work ?
      Thank you!