0 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2010 7:17 PM by ricofernandes

    setting xls-column-export has no effect

      I have a datatable that the first column is a radio button. So I don't want to export this column. I've tried setting the xls-column-export to false, but it had no effect. Here is the code of the column:

      <rich:column style="xls-column-export: false;">
                                                                                                  <input type="radio" name="radioButtonDetalheAcao" value="# {detalheController.recuperaId(_resultado)}" onclick="javascript:selecionaRadioTabelaDetalheConsultaAcao(this);"/>

      and here is the code that I call excelexporter:

      <h:commandLink id="exportButton" ignoreDupResponses="true" action="#{excelExporter.export('consultarAcaoFrm:decorateTable:resultadoTable','csv')}" >Confirmar</h:commandLink>

      thanks in advance for any help!