1 Reply Latest reply on May 26, 2010 9:39 AM by olasamuel

    Build File in Eclipse


      Hi All,

      I am sorry if this is not the right place to post this but its a seam related problem. I am using eclipse to generate my seam web project. However, when I run my applications using the JBOSS AS in eclipse it runs successfully but when I try to find my ear file in JBOSS AS (server/default/deploy), I cant find my deployed file. Also I tried to look for build.xml file in my eclipse created project and I cant also find it as well. Can someone tell me what ia happening

        • 1. Re: Build File in Eclipse

          Thanks all, I got the solution. What I did was to export my project as either ear file or as war file and then put it into the deploy directory and this is working now. But I still can not find my build.xml file. Does this mean it is not necssary